6- Father's Day

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Stiles quietly got out of the bed, trying not to wake his werewolf husband. Fortunately after over a decade of living with a pack of werewolves he's learned to be very silent. He tiptoed into the room down the hall, where his oldest was asleep. He knelt by the boy's bed, pushing the black hair away from his son's eyes.

"Tobe." The eight year old grumbled, but made no move to wake up. Stiles chuckled at him.

"Toby, c'mon. It's time to wake up, buddy." His son grumbled, but his eyes fluttered open. Stiles smiled at him, pressing a kiss to his forehead.

"Hey, pup."

"Daddy it's Sunday, why are you waking me up early?" Stiles chuckled at his son.

"Today's father's day." Toby sat up straighter at that.

"Oh my God, I completely forgot." Stiles smiled.

"It's ok pup, that's why you got me. Why don't we go wake up your sister & then we can make breakfast for papa. Ok?" Toby nodded & Stiles picked him up, letting out a small groan. Either he was getting older or his boy was getting bigger. He was hoping for the latter.. sort of.

He carried Toby into the room across the hall & set him down next to his sister. "Randa, princess, time to wake up." Much like her brother & papa, she disliked waking up very much.

"Sissy, we're gonna make breakfast for papa."

"Mmno." Stiles chuckled & picked the five year old up. She grumbled & buried closer to her father, trying to stay asleep. Toby followed after them, doing his best to be quiet as possible as they passed his parent's room. When they got to the kitchen Stiles set Miranda on the counter. She promptly sagged against the cupboard, her eyes barely open.

"Pacakes?" Stiles shared a smile with Toby over Miranda's sleepy talk.

"Ya Rand, we'll make pancakes for papa." She sat up a little straighter & rubbed her eyes, yawning.

"Where's papa?"

"He's sleeping still, we're gonna surprise him for father's day." She smiled a little.

"Papa likes tea with bwefast." Stiles kissed her forehead as he went to reach for the tea above her head.

"Correct you are. Tobe why don't you get the pancake mix for daddy?" Toby nodded & went to the cupboard under the microwave, putting the batter mix next to Miranda. Stiles pulled the bacon from inside the fridge & the bread from on top of it.

"Randa you can make toast for daddy, can't you?" She nodded.

"That's my good girl. Toby you've got the pancakes?"


"Good pup." With those two occupied Stiles put the bacon into a pan & the tea on brew. It wasn't long before they had everything made & on a tray.

"What do you guys think? Would papa like breakfast in bed better or eating down here with us?" His kids shared a look before both looking at Stiles & answering.

"Breakfast with us in bed." Stiles laughed.

"His two favorite things. Family & not having to leave the bed. Ok, c'mon pups." Stiles carried the tray, he didn't think Derek would appreciate having to eat his breakfast off the ground. The kids quietly opened the door & tiptoed to the bed, Stiles behind them. They crawled into the bed, one on each side of Derek. They snuggled close, making Derek stir & pull them closer. Stiles watched with a smile as his kids basically purred & scent marked their father. A smile came across Derek's face & his eyes slowly opened.

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