Chapter 2: The Boy Behind the Blue Eyes

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God, today sucked.

Today was one of the worst days I've had in a while, actually, in a long while. I had been riding a high for a good solid year, since Ender's Game premiered. My life had been going great, everything running smoothly with my career and my personal life. But at the risk of sounding very first world problem-y, I completely crashed off that high because of what happened today.

It all started this morning, when my alarm didn't go off...

- - -

Asa! Asa, what the hell, son!

I tossed in my sleep, trying to escape the grating voice filling my dreams.

Asa, get up! You're going to be late!

Suddenly, two hands gripped my shoulders, and my eyes shot open.

"Asa!" my father scolded. "You slept in?! I thought you set your alarm! C'mon, son, you're gonna be late. Be downstairs and ready in fifteen minutes."

He didn't have to tell me twice; I sprung out of bed and ran straight to the shower to just wash up for five minutes.

Why didn't my alarm go off? I wondered. I had an interview about... something... that I was going to be late to. My tired brain couldn't remember what it was for. I did set it last night, didn't I?

Last night. I was exhausted last night, after playing football with my dad and brother for a few hours. I crashed straight into bed... Oh crap. I remembered now. I forgot to set the alarm.

I quickly dried myself off, brushed my teeth, and threw on a button down and some nice jeans I had set out for myself yesterday. Then I rushed downstairs to meet my father at the car out front, where he and my agent were waiting.

Climbing into the vehicle, my agent's expression shifted from impatience to shock at my appearance. I checked myself out in the mirror, and noticed my hair was a complete mess, still wet from the shower. Hopefully the studio has hair stylists, I thought.

- - -

The interview was not good. I had to go on as soon as I got there, so all I could do with my still-wet hair was comb it back flat against my head so that it looked kinda greasy and weird. And throughout the live interview I kept losing focus, asking the interviewer to repeat her questions. It was pretty embarrassing, I'm only glad that it was for some small local channel instead of BBC or something.

I got home around noon, and my dad went off to his friend's house, so it took all my strength to keep from looking up the interview on YouTube; I knew I would only feel worse after watching it. I went for a walk to the local park instead, just to blow off some steam, and I noticed there were moving trucks parked at the house behind my dad's. New neighbors, huh?

Not that I was particularly excited. Probably just some old couple downsizing to the small brownstones we have around here; there were a lot of old people in my neighborhood.

When I got home, my phone started to ring. My friend, Trent. I picked up, expecting to hear some crazy story about the party last night. I couldn't go because I had to get up early for the interview this morning (look how well that worked for me). But he told me something far less exciting than some tale about his drunken misadventures.

"Hey, Trent."

"Yo, Ace! How are you, man?"

"Um, fine, I guess. I dunno, the interview kinda sucked."

"Yeah, I saw."

"You did?!" I exclaimed. "Where did you see it?"

"It was on one of those celebrity gossip shows earlier today. Sorry about that, man. You looked kinda out of it."

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