Chapter 14

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      I do not own Teen Wolf.

  "You guys really don't remember anything?" Allison asked as we walked up the stairs toward the school.

   "They called it a fugue state." Lydia said.

  "Which is basically a way of saying, 'We have no idea why you two can't remember running through the woods naked for two days' but personally I don't care, I lost 9 pounds." I said, smiling.

   "Lucky, I only lost 6." Lydia said, shoving me playfully.

  "Are you ready for this?" Allison asked us.

  "Please. It's not like our aunts a serial killer." I said, spinning around and opening the school doors. I was all set on walking through the halls like I owned the place again, but as soon as Lydia and I walked through the doors everyone stopped whatever they were doing and stared at us. Lydia and I just stood there, not knowing what to do.

   "Maybe it's the 9 and 6 pounds." Allison whispered.

  'Yeah it was totally the nine pounds' I thought as Lydia and I looked a each other, flipped our hair, and strutted through the halls together with Allison trailing behind us.


  "It's just we haven't really talked since that night and- Jackson can you like look at me for half a freaking second?" I asked Jackson, trying to get him to talk to me. "Listen, if you and Danny didn't find Lydia and I and carried us back, we could've died. So I just wanted to say thank you." I said.

  "Taylor, we're not getting back together." He stated.

  "What?" I had really hoped that after I was gone for two days he would've at least thought about us getting back together.

  "And just because I kept you from bleeding out on the field once, don't expect me to come running every time you start screaming." Jackson told me obviously bored with our conversation.

  "I never said-"

  "I'm not responsible for you! Okay? I will give you one piece of advice, if I were you I'd stay home tonight." He said with a little bit of concern in his cold eyes.

  "What does that mean? What's tonight?" I asked him before he could walk away.

  "It's a full moon." He said,walking away. What the hell does that mean?


   We were in gym class at the moment, today we were doing rock wall climbing. Scott and Allison we're currently up and after awhile of flirting Allison kicked Scott's foot making him fall, and making us laugh.

  "McCall, I don't know why, but your pain gives me a special kind of joy." Coach said to Scott while laughing hysterically.

  "Alright, next two, Greenberg and T. Martin let's go!" Coach yelled.

  "Ughhh Coach I thought I was one of your favorite students. Why are you making me go with Greenberg?" I asked him, strapping the harness "Because I'm really hoping you'll kick his ass." Coach whispered while I laughed starting to climb up the wall.

  "Nice view Martin!" Greenberg yelled, making the class erupt in laughter as they all stared at my butt.

  "Thank you very much!" I yelled back, pressing the buzzer and coming back down but when I was about to pass Greenberg I stepped on his hand and he screamed and fell. "Whoops!" I said, laughing with everyone else including Coach who high-fived me when I came down.

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