"College isn't too fond of reformed criminals, so there's that." Isaac stated bluntly.

"Criminal?" I gasped when hearing that. I knew Isaac had a sketchy past because of the boot camp thing, but he never struck me as a guy with a criminal record.

"Yeah, first time felons get the boot camp option if you got a good lawyer like I did. I'm surprised my sister didn't tell you as big as her mouth is," he lightly joked.

"No, she barely spoke about you during that time. Sensitive subject."

"Hmm, figures. Enough about me, Zuko...tell me something about you other than the things I already know."

Just as he spoke my phone rang and Gabe's name popped up. I looked down at it, contemplating on whether to answer him right now and declined the call quickly.

"I'm guessing that was your man by the expression on your face. You should call him back, I'll wait here." Isaac teased and I rolled my eyes.

"Again, I don't have a man. Now, back to you...what are these things that you supposedly know about me already?" I asked with a curious grin.

"Um, the basics. Most popular girl at Flint, my sister's bestfriend, you got two moms...fine ass moms I might add." I nudged him as he drooled over them.

His husky laugh filled the room. "My bad, but they are fine. You alright too."

"Just alright?" 

"Brooklyn, don't do that. You already know the deal. We've already discussed how fine you are. I'm not about to boost your ego again."

I innocently shrugged. "What? I was just wondering..."

"Yeah, whatever. Girls only care what a nigga think about them if they feeling him. Something you wanna tell me shorty?" He inquired with an alluring smile as if he was reading me.

"You alright, I guess." I mocked him and he chuckled.

"Fair enough. So like I was saying, you alright looking, and from the looks of this tablet...you're a great artist. Now, tell me what's underneath all the clothes?"

My cheeks filled with red and I laughed nervously. "Oh, nah I didn't mean like that shorty. That came out wrong." he ensured me.

"What you wanna know?"


"If that's the case you'll be here awhile, Isaac." I beamed and he simply licked his lips before replying.

"Oh, yeah? I'm not complaining." Just I prepared myself to speak, his phone rang and he answered it.

I watched his every move as he chattered on the phone. I found myself enchanted with Isaac's features. His low piercing brown eyes, chiseled body, and strong jaw line had me crsuhing harder than I should be.

"Yooo, is anbody there?" Isaac waved his hand in front of my face to get my attention.

"Oh, what's up?" I snapped out of it.

"I gotta go." He stood from the bed and adjusted his jeans.

"Ok, that's cool." I finally said, disappointed that he had to leave just then.

"You still not off the hook from this conversation, so I'll call you when I get home." I nodded in reply.

"And you better not decline my call like you did your lil' boyfriend," Isaac commanded as he tucked his bottom lip in.

"Of course not, I'll be waiting."

Sure enough, I waited and declined Gabe's call again in the process as I waited for him. I wasn't sure what it was about Isaac that gravitated me to him because I barely know anything about him, but maybe that's what I like.


"Hey, love birds." I sat behind Izzy and Anthony in class as they were whispering sweet nothings into each other's ear.

"Sup, B." Ant greeted me. Izzy, on the other hand was staring me down.

"Girl, what? Something on my face." I asked.

"No, you're fine as always. Quick question..." she started and I just nodded, waiting for her to continue.

"What's up with you and my brother? Yall like each other or something?"

I hesitated to say anything because I wasn't quite sure of how she would respond. "Isaac's a fool, but we're just friends."

"Mhm, I know that was you he was on the phone with all last night. Just friends my ass, but y'all caking." Izzy teased and I playfully rolled my eyes.

"Just friends." I emphasized once again.

"Okay, but I'm a hundred percent sure that he's into you...fyi." I didn't say anything in response to that, but it made me smile. Something that I do quite often when it invloves him.

Then I thought about where exactly does this leave me and Gabe...

Vote, comment, and whatever else :)


I wanted to drop a small bomb this chapter, but it's too early...just wait though, lol

Hold You DownМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя