The Story of a Young Teenager

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                Hey my name is Angel Johnson and I am a 16 year old girl. Being a teenager isn’t easy, yah you probably hear that a lot but it’s true. I never had the loving parent’s people say they have, my mom died when I was 7 and well my dad was a drunken piece of shit. So you can guess what my life was like. I was always the outcast always picked on for what I wore, how my makeup looked, what music I listened to. Some days I would wake up crying because my life sucked so badly. But in everyone’s life there is always that one person that gets them and that person was my boyfriend Liam, he loved me for who I was and he didn’t take shit from anyone. Liam was always there for me up until the day that changed our lives forever, the day I found out I was pregnant. I was always told to never have sex because it was bad for you but when you’re a curious 16 year old thing happen, especially when you have a hot 18 year old boyfriend. I was scared shitless to tell my dad because I knew the words that would come out his mouth ‘you’re just a stupid little slut just like your mother not worth anything.’ Liam had one thing to say and that was “This never should have happened.” Well no shit it shouldn’t have happened! I was 16 and going to be a mother, I planned on graduating high school and going to college, now those plans might as well be flushed down the toilet. The only person that didn’t yell at me was my best friend Lisa; she was probably more excited for me than I was and the only reason why Lisa was excited is because she is a 23 year old woman who can’t have kids because she had to have her baby parts taken out, or a hysterectomy. Yah I know Lisa is too old to be my best friend but I never did make friends in my grade, they all hated me.  In my school there weren’t a lot of pregnant girls, the only ones that got knocked up were the slutty drug-type bitches, and I was not one of them I was actually semi normal.  Liam didn’t talk to me for a couple days after I told him, I felt as if this baby was going to tear us apart. I thought of abortion many times but I never could bring myself to do it. Besides if I did that Lisa would murder me, she hated the idea of abortion. It was 2 weeks till Liam finally called me back, he didn’t say much but he kept asking me to get rid of it. “Liam please stop asking me to get rid of it!” “I can’t afford a baby right now and neither can you” “Lisa is going to help me out she said so” “Good Luck with that” “What’s that supposed to mean?” “Lisa isn’t exactly the best person out there” “Yah but no parent is perfect and don’t say yours are because they aren’t!” “Whatever Angel but I got to go” “I love you and I am sorry” “Angel I wish I could say the same, bye.” That’s how the conversation went, I expected it to go by way worse not like him calling me names and threatening to kill me and stuff like that NO NO because Liam in the 2 years we have been together has never raised a hand to me, or even called me any type of name. Anyways from that point forward I was sure that I was going to be alone because honestly Lisa wasn’t really any help.

            So six months went by and I stared to get a baby bump, and on my little body it looked funky. I was so excited not only cause I could see my baby bump but because today I got to find out what I was having. Lisa was running around the house like a chicken with her head cut off trying to get things together, I had to explain to her that I was just getting an ultrasound not having the baby. I was excited but yet sad because I haven’t talked to Liam since we got in that fight, I want him there so I can see the look on his face when we see its gender, but instead I get to see the reaction on Lisa’s face. “Come on angel this baby isn’t going to wait forever!” “Calm down Lisa my doctor appointment isn’t for another 20 minutes” “Yah but we should get there early” “Ok ok fine lets go.” On our way to the doctor’s office my mind was wandering and I started to think of what I was going to name him/ her, if it was a boy I wanted to name him Bentlee Joseph if it was a girl I wanted to name her after my mother Cadence Marie or candy for short. The car came to a stop and I started to panic, “Lisa I am scared what if we find out it’s both!” “What do you mean like a boy/girl?” “Yah” “Angel darling I bet that can’t even happen so don’t worry about it, ok let’s just go in there and find out if it’s a baby Liam or a baby Angel” “Ok I hope your right!” Well she was right it can’t happen, because on that day I got to see my baby girl for the first time ever! I started to cry because even though she was in black and white; Cadence was the most beautiful thing I had ever laid my eyes on. Later that day I tried to call Liam to tell him the big news but he wouldn’t pick up the phone so I sent him a picture of the ultrasound and a text saying ‘IT’S A GIRL!!!!!! Are you happy?’ I didn’t get a response for about two days, he called and didn’t even sound excited I was a little pissed off! “Hey so I see that we are having a girl, what are you naming her?” “Well I had many different names but then I decided I wanted to name her after my mom, Cadence Marie Johnson” “Wow well I guess that’s a good name for her” “You guess? Liam you’re starting to piss me off!” “What!? Why?! I didn’t even say anything to make you mad at me!” “Yah but your attitude is the problem, you haven’t called me back haven’t attempted to see me or anything I feel as if you don’t even care anymore!” “Angel I do care but we are too young to be parents and I feel as if you made this decision on your own, to be honest I wanted you to get an abortion before you found out it was a girl or a boy because now you’re in love with it and I don’t want to be tied down” “Tied down! Are you fucking kidding me! Liam I did not have sex with myself, you took part in this to if you wouldn’t have been a dumbass and refused to put a condom on we would not be having this conversation right now so it’s mostly your fault!” “Whatever Angel I have to go to work, bye” “Liam you such a jerk!” I finally decided that I should just give up on Liam being there for me because it’s obvious that he don’t care. I understand that it was a stupid decision wanting to keep this baby but I thought we could be happy family together, but I was obviously wrong on that.

            I was now nine months along and more scared now then I was when I found out I was pregnant! Lisa took a week off work to help around the house and to get things together for the arrival of little Cadence. “Lisa I am scared and don’t know what to do, I think I am going to screw this up!” “What are you talking about, you won’t screw anything up being a new time mother is hard trust me but you will learn a lot from this baby” “Thanks I just wish Liam would get his head out of his ass and realize that he is a father and that he needs to grow up” “He will you just got to give him time” “I gave him nine months and he still hasn’t grown up at all” “Well maybe you need to let go and raise this baby on your own, I will be here for you” “Thanks Lisa, I am going to take a nap my back kind of hurts” “Alright tell me if you need anything” “ok will do”

I awoke from my nap with excoriating pain in my lower back and stomach, I thought I was dyeing! I started to scream for Lisa but she didn’t answer me. I got up out of bed and crawled my way to the living room, on the coffee table was a note that read ‘Went to the store be back in 20. Love Lisa’ I got my cell phone out of my bag and called her till she picked up “Lisa I need you home now I think there is something wrong with the baby, please hurry I am scared” “OK I will be there in a jiffy just sit on the couch and wait for me” “ok I will just please hurry.” I waited for Lisa to show up and after what seemed like a century she finally came in the door. “Alright Angel tell me what happened” “Well I woke up with horrible pain in my lower back and stomach and it’s just getting worse” “ok when you stood up was your bed wet?” “First of all I crawled out of bed there was no standing or walking, and yes my bed was wet” “We should get you to the hospital, because I think baby Cadence wants out” “What!? No I am not due for two more days!” “Well sorry to burst your bubble but babies never come on time.” “Ok well can you get my bags and stuff I will head to the car” “Sure thing do you need help?” “I crawled down stairs I think I can make it to the car.” I started to cry because I was in so much pain; I couldn’t believe that Cadence was going to be here so soon. I finally reached the car by that time I was balling I just hoped that my baby was ok! “Hurry the fuck up Lisa or I am going to crawl to the hospital” “I am trying calm down” “Should I call Liam?” “Yah I guess I doubt he will care.” I was sad by what she said but yet I knew it was true I just put my phone in my bag and didn’t even bother. We finally arrived at the hospital and now I was more scared than ever! “Lisa I am scared will you be in the room with me?” “Of course darling why wouldn’t I be?”

            After almost 24 hours of labor baby Cadence was welcomed to the world!  “She is absolutely gorgeous Angel she looks just like you” “Yah I just wish I had my mother here to see her first grand baby” “She is here angel, she is watching over us” “That’s true.” I took a picture of her and sent it to Liam with a text that read ‘Cadence Marie Johnson born April 9, 2012(: she weighed 6lbs 2oz 18 inches long, she is very small. Wish you could see her.’ When I was holding her I felt as if nothing else in this world mattered, like I was in heaven.

The End

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