Chapter 1 (Edited)

Zacznij od początku

He nods and stands buttoning his jacket and we walk out locking his office. I grab my jacket and purse and we head towards the elevator. We walked out the front door and he pulled out his keys. 

"Don't we can walk. It's only two blocks down the road." I tell him

He huffs but nods. We walk down to the restaurant and he opened the door for me. I nod and he nods back. 

"Reservations please?" The hostess asks

"Thorn" I say

"Right this way please" She says

She seats us and we pick up the menus and start looking at it. 

"Hi I'm James i'll be your waiter what can I get you to drink?" He asks

"Yes I'll have a glass of white wine." I tell him

"And you sir?" He asks

"The same" Axel says

"Very well. I'll fetch those for you" He says walking away

"So are you single?" Axel asks

I sigh but nod. 

"Just wondering didn't want to piss anyone off. Well i love pissing people off but I just didn't want to be shocked." He says

"So no girlfriend?" I ask

"Nope. I don't do relationships" He says

"Well ok then. Just warn me if your going to have a bitch in your office fucking so I can leave til you get done with you business" I tell him

He chuckles and smirks. I smirk back and James comes back with our drinks. 

"Would you like to order now?" James asks

"Yes I'll have the chicken Alfredo please" I tell him

He nods and looks to Axel.

"The same" He says

"I'll get them out right away." He says and walks away

We make small talk about my schooling and other things when I food finally comes. I pick up my fork and take a bite and moan at the taste.

"That is amazing" I say eating more

"Damn you eat a lot." Axel says

I frown and lay my fork down pulling out some money and laying it on the table and I get up and walk out leaving Axel calling my name. I make it back to the office and walk into my office and I sit down placing my hands in my head and sighing. 

"What the fuck was that?" Axel shouts

"Do not raise your voice to me. And nothing I wasn't hungry" I said not facing him

"I will speak to how I please. You work for me" He yells

"I may work for you but your daddy pays me to deal you. Your an arrogant, playboy, who thinks he can get everything he wants. You do not own me, your not my boyfriend, lover, father or brother. So do not speak to me like that." I yell yanking up my purse and stomping off to the elevator

The elevator opens and out walks Mrs. Thorn and she gasps when she sees me. She pulls me into a hug and pulls me to Axel's office.

"Axel Gage Thorn!" She shouts throwing open the door and storming in dragging me with her and slamming the door

He sighs and looks at her.

"From now own Alexis here will be living with you. You two will get along. Alexis you are to stop any slut from coming into that house. You two will work this out and start being better for each other. I'm not saying you have to date, or have sex. But you two will spend every waking and sleeping hour together. Starting now. Axel take the beautiful girl out shopping buy her what she wants or needs and then take her home and get her settled in. I will see you two tonight for dinner at our home. Now Alexis clean up that pretty face and whip those pretty green eyes and smile for me." She tells us

Mr. CEO and the BETOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz