Chapter Six

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Samiyah let out the breath she was holding when her surroundings began looking more real. She began to trust the sprite more when they didn't end up in a boiling swap. And the first snowflake landed on her nose. It told Samiyah that the sprite was young, at least in fae years, and its home had reflected its age. That didn't explain why she'd landed here alone, but she put it aside for now. The further she traveled the more snow built up, until it was above her knees. To make matters worse, she heard growling behind them. The sprite flung its arms around her neck. It let out a whimper. She tried to walk faster but the snow began to harden around her legs. There were heavy footsteps as something ran towards her. Samiyah turned her head to look but a flash of light enveloped them. Something crashed against it and the sprite cried out. She created a fire and struggled frantically as the ice melted inch by inch. The light faded to a dim glow and she saw a wolf larger than any werewolf she'd ever seen jump at them. It crashed against the shield and it failed. Luckily for them the impact dazed the wolf. Samiyah finally freed her legs but had to leave one of her shoes behind. She turned, ready to at least defend herself, and froze. The wolf before her was full of rage with no sign of civility, its hackles were raised and its ears were flat against its head. It snarled and spittle flew. And she knew without a doubt, this was Oliver. But she'd heard him. He'd sounded tired though he was fine otherwise. He was more concerned about her, he'd said. Yet here he was ready to tear her apart. Eventually she noticed a tugging on her neck and she moved in time to avoid his full charge. A massive paw smacked into her. She landed on her back. Her breath came out in a loud whoosh. As soon as her mind stopped reeling from the hit, she was overcome by pain.

Samiyah tried dragging herself away. A lightning sharp pain shot through her leg as he clamped down and pulled her into the air. Trying not to think of him as her friend, Samiyah used just enough fire to singe his fur. She was rewarded by being tossed through the air. When she landed this time, she didn't even want to think about moving. Oliver's footsteps shook the ground and she squeezed her eyes closed. Then, it was quiet. At first she thought the silence meant she was dead. Oliver's annoyed growl told her differently. Samiyah turned her head to see the sprite sprinkling bright dust around Oliver's head, and then slapping uselessly at him. It would've been cute if it wasn't in so much danger.

Ignoring the intense pain, Samiyah pushed herself into a sitting position. "Sprite, get out of the way." It looked at her, its eyes wide and brimming with tears. She waved it away. Once it was out of the way she sent a tunnel of flame towards Oliver, pushing him onto his side. Without looking at her bloodied leg, her calf had been torn, she healed the broken bones; glad now for Santiago's insistence on her becoming better at healing. She hadn't completely healed but Oliver was already on his feet. He covered the distance quickly. Samiyah stood, leaning heavily on her left foot. The weather worked differently in the fae world but when she concentrated she saw it was similar enough. That meant she could manipulate it. He jumped at her and a wall of snow met him. He crashed through it but he stumbled. It gave Samiyah enough time to summon a strong wind and hail. Messing with Elanil's domain was bound to go wrong and would quickly drain her energy, but she didn't have a lot of options. From where Oliver lay on the ground he glared at her. His panting grew harsher until a howl ripped from his throat. The sound made the hair stand up on her arms. In a movement too fast for her to catch, he was on his feet and barreling through the storm. For the first time Samiyah saw that his eyes were clouded over. She took a risk.

It this didn't work, she could lose herself to whatever madness had a hold on Oliver. And she would die horribly but she pushed that thought aside. He drew closer. She could almost feel his breath on her skin. Samiyah searched for the link between them, hoping for the best once she opened it completely. She was hit by anger so strong it seared through her mind. It was irrational but also impersonal, lashing out at whatever happened to be near. This was the mind of a werewolf who'd lost any shred of its humanity; as if it never was. It fought against their connection, but that magic was stronger than either of them. Gritting her teeth, she pushed back against it with the few memories they had together. Samiyah forced any doubt from her mind that he'd stop in time.

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