Chapter 2

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2 sisters, their twins. And he has a twin as well, his other sister. Tyler's the only boy of 4 kids. His first sisters, Hailey and Amy are 25 and out of the house. Tyler and Tadley are 17 years old, and seniors in high school. They don't speak to one another. They don't look at each other. They try not to even breath the same air.
In school anyway.
At home Tyler and Tadley couldn't be any closer. If she wasn't his sister, she'd be "one of the guys". She's hung out with the Bomb Squad since it started. She named them. In kindergarten she told her and Tyler's mom that his friends and him were dropping bombs in school all day, and that Ty had brought them home to show her.
And the rest was history. Everybody knew who the Bomb Squad was. They had even been elected into office all throughout high school.
Tyler was Class President.
"Shuga"was Vice President.
"Cooper" is treasurer alongside his brother, "Eli".
And "Jersey" and "DB" are the coordinators for pretty much everything else.


Until they all had girlfriends except TNT. It wasn't that he wasn't liked, girls threw themselves at him left and right. It was Ty. The TNT himself didn't want a girl hanging on his arm, and his every word. He didn't want the fake high school experience where he's the all star quarterback with a smokin hot slut of a girlfriend.
His friends were his family, and that's all he needed.

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