Chapter 2 - Hotel!

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Niall’s POV

“COME ON GUYS IT’S NEARLY ON!” I shout as I turn the hotel T.V on.

“God Niall I haven’t seen you so excited to see Alan Carr Chatty Man before” Liam says as he slumps on the sofa.

“Maybe because Summer Automatic is on tonightttttttt” Harry cockily says as he sits next to Liam.

“Shut Up!” I say as I playfully punch Harry as I sit down.

Halfway through Alan’s interview with Eddie Redmayne Louis and Zayn ran through the door with bags of McDonalds in their hands whipping there disguises off.

“FOOD!” I shout and quickly run over to them and take the bags over to the sofa.

“Your just in time on next is Summer Automatic, You missed loads” Harry explains.

“Sorry, some very good detective directioners recognised us and we had to wait for ages for Niall’s order” Louis points out. Just as we took all the food out and sat back down the ad break was on to let the next interviewee. I grabbed my phone and twitted.

@NiallOfficial: Watching @alancarr tonight great so far can’t wait till @SummerAutomatic perform! They are ace!

Suddenly the logo for Chatty Man came on and Alan introduced Summer Automatic and there she was walking down the stairs in an amazing outfit and her hair floated down her back. The most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen.

“Aww Niall’s day dreaming about Stella again” Zayn sings but I just ignore him and continue watching. I’ve known a lot so far she’s 17 and she loves Capri-Sun.

“-So the rest of you are single so watch out boys you might still have a chance” Then Alan winks at the camera.

“Ohh Niall you have a chance” Liam says as he nibbles on his left over chips. I grin to myself but she’s beautiful she could get any boy she wants and it’s not going to be me. She starts talking about how the band formed and her voice was like a thousand angels singing. After they explained more about the band they performed and they were amazing Stella looked so concentrated .

“Come on lads we gotta get up early for recording” Liam points out.

“ Aww yeah” Harry says

“Imagine if Summer Automatic were in this hotel” Zayn Laughs. I look up I mean it was a possibility Channel 4 studios were close here but they probably would go for a close hotel.

Your POV

We finally get home to the hotel with Ella asleep on my shoulder. I wake her up and we grab our luggage and head inside.  This was the only hotel that had a room for 5 people free at the last minute we had 5 because Tom decided to stay with Lily for a while. We shared the floor with another 5 person room but I was too bothered to check out who it was. We all get inside and set up our instruments as I play the drums I can’t really carry them around so I carry my box. We set up the camera and Lily introduces us.

“Hi were Summer Automatic and today we are doing a cover of One Direction because we love this song. We’ve got Ella and Hannah on guitar, Stella on her box and I’m just singing this time.”

Ella, Hannah and Lily take turns who doesn’t play in our videos because you can’t really have 3 guitarists. We start the beat and Ella starts to sings Zayn’s solo and we kick in I begged the girls to have me sing Niall’s solo as I love him dearly and I love the lyrics in his solo. We say goodbye and thank you for the support.

“And as Zayn once said ‘Just close your eyes and enjoy the rollercoaster that is life’” Hannah says as she stops the video. I grab my macbook and log off my twitter and log onto the bands twitter and I think I’m nearly going to faint but I just stare at the screen my mouth agape.

“Shut your mouth Codfish” Ella laughs. I get the speech to say.

“Says you Captain Hook”  Lily laughs and joins my side

“Oh my gosh no wonder she was shocked! Niall twitted us! “She announces.

“No Way!” Lily says “Little Stella’s Celeb crush as noticed her” I give her the glare back as I post our video on Youtube and post the link on Twitter.

“I think it’s time to PARTY! “ Tom shouts from his and Lily’s bedroom. I laugh in return and try and find my phone along with my junk. I finally found it and the music filled the room with happiness but not too loudly as we didn’t know if the neighbours were grumpy adults. We dance around the room laughing at each other’s fail at dancing.

Niall’s POV

“Oi guys” I turn around and realise the only other person awake was Zayn. “Watch this with me” I say as I play the video.

“No way Summer Automatic covered our song” Zayn gasped.

We watched it with wide eyes but my eyes locked onto Stella. Suddenly I heard her voice again the sweet nectar. Then I suddenly heard my solo she was singing my solo! MY SOLO! Then the song ended and they said Thanks and Hannah ended with Zayn’s roller-coaster quote.

“Wow! They were ace! And they said my quote in your face man” He says as he punches my arm.

“She sang my solo…” I whispered.

“Yeah mate I know but we have to get some sleep you know what Liam said we got recording in the morning” Zayn explains

“Yeah Buddy!!” I say as I day dream about Stella as I walk to my room.

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