Summer Automatic - A One Direction Imagine (Niall)

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“Girls you’re on in 5” said the producer. We quickly walk to the stage entrance and wait for our queue.

“And here we have Summer Automatic the 4 girl pop band” I hear Alan Carr cheer. A spotlight shines on the stairs as our hit single ‘Another Day’ blasts through the speakers that was our queue. We slowly walk down one after the other and greet Alan with a hug and a peck on the cheek. We all smile and wave at the crowd as we take our seats on the sofa.

“Well if doesn’t know this is the girl band that went viral on YouTube and when I say band I mean band. First would you like some drinks?”

“Yes Please” We all say in unison.

“Ohh very polite but first regulations how old are you?” Alan asks. We start at the end of the sofa with Ella.

“I’m 20” Ella says.

“21” Lily says.

“19” Hannah explains

“17” I say looking quite embarrassed as I can’t drink alcohol.

“Right so Stella is the baby of the group” Alan says to the crowd.

“Right so I thought you might like some Bucks Fizz”

“Yes thank you” Ella, Lily and Hannah say.

“Oh and Stella here you go” He says with a straight face as he hands me a Capri-Sun. I laugh and receive the drink.

“Oh my gosh Alan literally Stella drinks them all the time” Ella explains. As Alan laughs

We all take a sip of our drinks when Alan says

“Hannah here plays bass am I right?”

“Yeah I’ve been playing guitar since I was 12” She explains.

“Great and Lily and Ella play guitar” He says whilst pointing to Ella and Lily at the end of the sofa.

“Yep I’m Lily and I started playing at the age of 14” Lily explains.

“Wow so quite late”


“And I’m Ella and I started at 9 years old”

“Wow! And last but not least Stella here plays the drums. So when did you start?”

“I started when I was 12 at high school”

“So you’re like a girl version of McFly” Alan Laughs." You all sing aswell don't you" We all nod.

“So are any of you in a relationship?” He adds.

All of us look at Lily because she is the only one with a boyfriend.

“Ohh gossip!”

“Well he’s a boyfriend from High School and he’s called Tom and he’s so nice and charming” Lily explains.

“Oh how adorable! So the rest of you are single so watch out boys you might still have a chance” Alan winks at the camera.

“So how did Summer Automatic start?” Alan asks. We look at each other to see who to answer so turn back.

“Well Ella and I are neighbours so It started just us when we found out we both loved music then Ella said she had a friend who could also play the guitar so one day we got together and stuff we were a group for about 3 months when Hannah came along because her previous group broke up and she heard about us at school as Hannah and I went to the same school she was just 2 years older so she contacted me through Facebook and well she came into the band” I explain.

“Interesting so how did you come up with the name?” Alan asks

“That’s easy” Ella says “After Hannah joined our garage was too small and Hannah’s dad owns a car workshop garage place and we use to practice in the back as it was a big space and we started getting to know each other and write songs and take to seriously in Summer 2010 so that’s where we came up with summer and of course automatic because of the cars”

“Well that’s a journey to here and your videos started with only a couple of views like 300 how did you get to 100,000 and more?”

“Well the producer of Summer In The City emailed us about how he watched our videos and that we were really good and stuff and asked us to perform at Summer In The City in London so we accepted it and performed there with the audience of You Tubers and subscribers at the end we said we had a channel and stuff just to let them know then afterwards with meet with Zoella and Sprinkle of Glitter or Zoe and Louise and Tanya Burr and we talked for ages with them then after a while we meet Aflie,Caspar,Marcus, Jack, Finn and Jim and well we were in there vlogging videos and they get loads of viewers so they put a link to our channel and we got more and more views so thanks to Summer In The City that’s a reason why we are here right now”

“That’s really fascinating that one event can change your life well sorry girlies it the end of the show but you are still performing your new single ‘Outta Here’ We all smiled as we leapt up on stage and blasted the roof (not literally).


Also please comment what you think and vote please i will probably upload new chapter soon but need to get some views and reccomend it please get this story outta there and also One Direction are going to be introduced in the next chapter.

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