God Only Knows (A Sterek OneShot)

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If there are any typos, please tell me in the comments and let me know what you thought of this.

The song filled the air, the entire theatre had seemed to quiet down and everything was peaceful as the melodies danced and the lyrics moved to the beat of the ballad. The boy, Stiles, was listening intensely, his eyes closed, his head nodding along. The song came to an end, applause filling the short silence that filled the stage just a moment ago. The boy's mother looked at him with a slight smile as his father urged him to join the applauding crowd.

When the show ended, Stiles' mother and father were joined with another boy's parents. Stiles and the other boy, Derek, knew each other but they had a few years of difference which annoyed Stiles because Derek never wanted to play with him and when he did he only played big kids games which was really unfair. The parents were talking about the show and heading towards their cars while Stiles hummed his favorite song of the show. Derek hummed along with him and acted as if he was playing music making Stiles giggle every once in a while.

*5 years later*

Derek was playing the same song over and over on his radio, his eyes closed and his head nodding along to the lyrics flowing through his veins. Stiles (who was surprisingly tolerable for a 9 year old in Derek's opinion) was sitting on the floor doing his homework and asking Derek for help every once in a while. Derek had gotten used to Stiles being around him and had taken him under his wing a few years ago. Stiles never got bullied thanks to Derek and in return Derek was never bored thanks to Stiles.

Stiles' dad, the town's Sheriff, was here to pick him up and go to the hospital to see his mom. Derek could tell her condition had gotten worse from how the Sheriff's hands were shaking and how his eyes were red. Stiles could also tell something was worse than usual but he could mostly tell from how Derek's body was stiffer behind him and not from the Sheriff's stance. A very scared Stiles looked behind him to a very worried Derek.

*2 years later*

Derek was practicing the same song he had been practicing for the past few days for a girl at school when he heard something outside. He opened the window to see a crying Stiles. Derek sighed. Stiles' mom died. It was obvious. And the Sheriff would be looking for his son. Nevertheless, Derek let Stiles in and closed the window behind him. He played the song he had been practicing for Siles instead of the girl at school. Stiles needed it more than the girl ever would anyway.

Stiles falls asleep on Derek's bed and when Derek's parents come in his room to ask if he knows where Stiles is Derek knows he should tell them but he just says he has no idea.

*7 years later*

Stiles graduated and Derek gave him his old MP3 player with the one song they agreed is the best in the world on it and nothing else. When Stiles drove to a University across the country he played the song over and over and texted Derek every once in a while. When Stiles arrived in his dorm in NYU he sent Derek a picture of the blank room and a sad emoji.

Derek received the text just as he was pulling in to his brand new apartment's parking. He replied by a picture of the newly purchased, empty apartment with a sad face. Derek sighed and looked in his phone's album titled Stiles. He looked at the weird pictures he has of Stiles. The ones where he's laughing, the ones where he's smiling, the ones where he's half asleep. The pictures where Stiles is concentrated on something for his art class, the ones where Stiles looks at him with that smile, the ones where Stiles is looking at Lydia Martin like she's the only thing in the world. And Derek wishes Stiles would look at him like that. But Stiles never does. He never does because he's 18 and Derek's 23, he never does because Derek's his friend, he never does because the only times he's told Derek he liked him more than he liked Lydia was when he was drunk and Scott called Derek to come pick Stiles up.

*4 years later*

Stiles was coming back into town and his dad was happy and the Hales were happy and Scott was happy and Derek was sad. Derek was sad because he and Stiles had gotten close by texting and they created their own inside jokes and they flirted over text all the time. Derek was convinced that Stiles wouldn't act like that with him anymore. So Derek was waiting like everyone else but he was waiting on his apartment's balcony and he wasn't sure what he was waiting for. He was listening to a song over and over and just waiting for something.

Stiles was blasting music in his car which he turned off when he arrived in front of the house. Scott was the first one out, followed closely by his dad, the Hales, then Lydia Martin. And Stiles realised that he didn't feel anything more than friendship towards her anymore as he was getting out of the car. When he was done with all the hugging he sent a text to Derek saying he'd be over at his apartment soon. He went back in his car and promptly headed there.

Derek opened the door somewhat awkwardly and he looked Stiles up and down. Stiles had grown, he had let his hair grow and had gained some more muscle and he was so painfully attractive that Derek wasn't sure what to say. Stiles walked in and Derek closed the door, then Stiles walked to him and kissed him and Derek didn't know how to react but he somehow got his arms to hold on to Stiles' waist. They somehow managed to get to Derek's bedroom (and Derek realised that Stiles still remembered the layout of the entire apartment) and they managed to get each other's clothes off.

*I'm skipping the sex scene, I'm not exactly comfortable writing smut... sorry*

Derek's arms were around Stiles' waist and they were both naked and in Derek's bed. Stiles didn't like Lydia Martin anymore and Derek should have realised that earlier. Stiles whispered some words, a private 'thing' (as Stiles called it) between them since they were children and Derek kissed the back of Stiles' neck. They both went asleep and ignored the vibrations coming from their phones on the other side of the room.

"God only knows what I'd be without you."

A/N: So the song throughout is God Only Knows which is the video at the top.

And I'm back. It's been almost a year since the last time I uploaded on this book and I'm so very sorry about that.

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