Chapter 9

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Self Harm Warning again kinda...

I glance over at him and put the Angel Blade away. I take out a normal knife and traces patterns in my skin.

Sherlock is asleep with a pained expression on my face. I watch him and continue to draw patterns. He wakes up a bit, tears in my eyes and thinks about Mrs. Hudson, John, Molly, Mycroft, and Lestrade thinking about how he'll never see them again.

I look at him,"You know you'll see them again. Right?"

"I don't think so."

"You'll see them again


"You'll see them when their time comes."

"I hate you."

"Okay." I go back to craving patterns in my skin and watching the blood pool around me.

The pool of blood reaches Sherlock, causing him to move.

I watch him as you moves and continue carving intricate shapes into my skin. 

He looks hateful and angry. I wince and put the knife down.

Once my arms heal and I start to cut lines along wrists. Sherlock chuckles in an almost evil way.

Back to your regular scheduled Sherlock....

I look at him,"Huh?"

"If I ever find a way out of here. I'll kill them. Every. Last one of them."

"There's no way out Sherlock. Your Dead."

"There's always a way."

"There's not," I look down at my dress and see it's blood stained,"I should change," I disappear for a moment.

He mumbles angrily.

On Earth Dean walks over to Sam.

"The guy we were trying to help. He killed himself today." Dean said.

"Yeah. That angel was giving him trouble." Sam replies.

I reappear in a white dress,"Oh, I see the Winchesters."

Sherlock glares at me. I sit down and I toss the knife in the air.

He sighs again,"Bored."

I toss the knife to him,"This might make you less bored."

He looks at me.

I smile and plays with my hair.

"You're giving me a knife? That's hardly a smart idea..."

"Why's it a bad idea?"

He shrugs.

"Okay." He lays back down.

He growls in frustration.



"Okay? Are you gonna do anything with your knife?

"I kind of want to kill you."

"Well you can if you want but it won't kill me."

He chuckles hatefully.

I smile.


"Nothing, nothing at all Mr. Holmes."


"Yup," I toss knife aside.

He sighs.

"Well I guess we can help this guy... Sherlock? Right?" Dean says.

"Yeah." Sam replies.

I move closer to Sherlock without him noticing.

He looks at me,"Get away from me."

"Why?" I smile.

He moves.

I pout.


"Nothing." I turn away from him and play with the knife.

"Maybe we should have Cas get this Sherlock guy..." Dean says.

"Okay." Sam mutters and Castiel appears. 

Sherlock notices Cas and I look at him,"Hey Cas..."

He looks at me,"I'm here for Sherlock."

"You're going to take him aren't you brother." I frown.

He nods.

"Oh," I pout,"Okay."

He takes Sherlock and brings him back to life.

Sherlock gasps,"What the-"

He goes back to Earth.

I watch as he goes and I mouth,"Goodbye Mr. Holmes. I'll see you again."

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