I need you here with me

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Stephanie's POV

"Yeah she's not doing so great... We're at my hotel... Yeah okay.... Thanks see you guys soon," I ended the call. The guys said they would come over.

I let out a deep sigh and began to study the picture. It's a clear shot... Maybe I should call Vic and see what's upThe thought pondered in my head for a few moments and I decided to call.

After a few rings he picked up"Vic?... Yeah I saw that too and what the hell man?! Aren't one of you suppose to look after the others while the others drink like fools?... What?... What do you mean what am I talking about? I'm talking about your boys night out!... Wait a minute I thought you got a new number?... Didn't some crazy fan got your number and post it on the internet?... Then who would?..."

After a slap of realization I ended the conversation, "Vic I gotta go." I hung up the phone and paced back and forth tapping my phone on my chin. "That bitch would dare mess around my best friend's boyfriend and to think that she can get away with this? Oh she has another thing coming," I growled.

Tony's POV

"Oh man. Oh man! What if (y/n) sees this?" I squeezed my head from frustration. "Bro what the hell?" I hear Jamie boomed. "Fucking Victoria happened! I saw Drake take that damn picture!" I yelled from stress.

"Well (y/n) isn't doing great. Steph called not too long ago. She said the (y/n) cried and screamed and even punched the floor," he sighed.

"Oh shit! Fucking Victoria man! Once I think she's gone for good. She comes back with a huge fucking sign that said NOPE!" I growled. "It's fine man (y/n) means a lot to Steph. She's on the case right now," he patted my back.

"I just... I just can't with Victoria man. She's loves the to fuck with people's lives. Especially mine," I deeply sighed. "Pull yourself together man! You like (y/n) right?" He crossed his arms. "I... I think I love her man," I confessed.

"Then tell her man! Make her believe that the whore set up the whole thing," he jabbed his finger into my chest. Damn he can go from a pat on the shoulder for comfort to poking my ribs for demand in less than a minute. I nodded my head with determination.

"Then go and do it!" He pointed out the door. I grab the rental car keys and open the door but stopped. "What's wrong man?" He asked dumbfounded. "How do I tell her that the whole thing was a set up and I love her?" I hung at the door.

"Ugh why must your ass always get in trouble and we have to help you out?" He groaned and grabbed his guitar and made a gesture to continue down the hall.

(Y/N)'s POV

I stayed in a fetal position with a comforter blocking my poorly lit hotel room. My band came knocking on my door and ask me if I was okay. I would stay silent and they took it as a 'No'.

My tears are dry but heart is still broken. I went into a dark state to where I have never been before. Not even with Drake. I heard the outside of the hotel room door being tapped on.

"Guys? It's Vic and Mike!" A high pitched voice being muffled by the door. They open the door and explained everything. Or at least that's what I assumed. I really couldn't hear with their low whispers behind a thick wooden door.

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