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I stood in front of my bedroom mirror, admiring how the white lace dress looked on me. I twirled around once, smiling. My hair was curled, bouncing whenever I moved my head. My makeup was applied perfectly, by Kate of course. It's been two weeks since our argument, and we both forgave each other. We've been best friends for so long, we just can't stay mad at each other. I slid on my white converse, not wanting to deal with heels. I grabbed my purse, graduation gown and cap, then made my way downstairs. Halfway down I heard the doorbell, me sprinting down the remaining steps. My mom had beat me, her opening the door right as I got to the bottom. I looked over to see Harry, a grin immediately appearing on my face.


"Zoe!" We both yelled at the same time, causing all of us to laugh. He took long strides over to me, engulfing me in a hug. He wrapped his arms around me tightly, me burrowing my head into his chest. It's only been a two weeks since I've seen him, and we've texted every day, but God, I missed him so much. We swayed back and forth, not wanting to let go of each other. I looked up to him, to see him already looking at me. He had a grin on his face, causing one to appear on mine. I stepped up on my toes, softly pressing my lips against his. Butterflies erupted in my stomach, nerves taking over. I slowly pulled away, smiling at him.

"Kate?" I heard the familiar Irish voice. I pulled my way out of Harry's grasp and turned around, indeed seeing Niall. My mom had disappeared to who knows where, and Kate was on the couch. She looked up from her phone, a look of pure shock in her face. For her own sake, I really hope she doesn't fangirl.

"N-Niall, I, uh, oh my God, you're real!" She was freaking out, and I was laughing, because I'm a wonderful friend. He laughed, making his way to her and pulling her into a hug. I turned to Harry and gave him a questioning look.

"I invited him along." He shrugged, and I smiled.

"You're an awesome boyfriend." I said, poking his dimple.

"What the hell, Zoe?" He laughed, shoving my hand away.

"Alright little love children, it's time to go to school for the very last time!" My mom appeared, Kate and I cheering in response. We went outside to the cars. "I'll meet you guys there!" She said, getting into her car. We went over to Harry's rental, him driving and me in the passenger seat, and Niall and Kate in the back. We kept small conversation, and I gave Harry directions to the school.

Once we arrived, I led Harry into the auditorium where the ceremony was taking place. Kate and I left them there with both my mom and her parents, as we made our way to the bathroom to finish getting ready. I pulled on the gown, zipping it up in the front and smiling at my reflection. I pulled the cap onto my head, glancing at myself. I was actually graduating. Thirteen years of schooling, and I was finally graduating. I also got my acceptance letter to a University in London, which I'm so excited to tell Harry about. I feel terrible leaving my mom behind, especially leaving her alone, but I do have to leave eventually. I just hope she won't be too lonely, but she does get to keep Oreo.

"C'mon, Zoe, it's time." Kate grinned, pulling me out of the bathroom.


I sat in my seat, tapping my foot anxiously. I hated that my last name was Winchester, I always had to wait forever for my name to be called for anything. The person sitting to the left of me was called, and my heart started racing.

"Zoe Winchester," My principal said my name, and I hesitantly got up. I heard a cheers, and I automatically knew it was my mom and Harry. I turned to where they were sitting, giving them a thumbs up as I made my way onto the stage.

"Congratulations, Zoe." My principal smiled at me, shaking my hand. He handed me my diploma, and I basically ran off the stage. I grinned at Harry, him giving me a thumbs up in return. I made my way back to my seat, sitting down.


"Congratulations, you guys! We made it!" Kate cheered, ending her valedictorian speech. All of the students stood up, us getting massive applause. We threw our hats in the air, laughing. The band started playing, and we exited the auditorium.

"Zoe!" I heard the familiar British accent yell my name, as I squealed and ran into his arms.

"I did it! I did it!" I laughed.

"Hooray!" Harry laughed as well, catching on to my Dora reference. "No, really Zoe, I'm so proud of you. It's a big deal! I didn't even graduate." He smiled, but the regret showed through. I pressed my lips against his right as screams appeared.

"Shit, I did not think this through." I groaned, pulling away and laying my head on his chest. My mom tapped my shoulder.

"You guys get out of here and celebrate, I'll take Kate and Niall home and I'll see you tonight." I pulled her into a hug, grateful.

"Thank you Mom, I love you so much." I kissed her cheek.

"I love you too, baby. I'm so proud of you. Now go have fun!" She shoved me lightly and I rolled my eyes. Harry took my hand in his, leading me outside to the parking lot, where we made our way to his car. I unzipped my gown, taking it off. I threw it in the back of his car, turning around to see him right there.

Harry lightly pushed me against the car, leaning on it with his hands on either side of my head. He pushed his body against mine, kissing my neck. I started getting really nervous, really fast.

"Harry," I said, but due to the sexual tension, it came out more as a moan. He turned to face me, his eyes a darker shade of green than usual. He bit his lip, smirking at me.

"You're so beautiful, Zoe, I hope you know that. I'm so lucky to have you," He mumbled, kissing my cheek. His lips finally met mine, him taking my bottom lip between his. He moved one arm behind my back, pulling me towards him, no space remaining. I reached up, entangling my hand in his hair, causing him to moan. He bit my lip, causing me to gasp and grant him entrance into my mouth. I was pretty unsure what to do, so I let him do most of the work. His tongue circled around mine, and it was beginning to be too much for me. I pulled away, hiding my face into his shoulder to hide my embarrasment. He stroked the back of my head, playing with the ends of my hair. I turned to face him again, blushing.

"You're perfect." He put his lips on mine again, no force this time, just soft and sweet. He pulled away, opening the car door for me. I got in, him closing the door and going to the driver side. Once we both buckled in, he turned on the GPS and started driving.

"Where are we going?" I asked, curious.

"You'll see, it's a surprise." He grinned. I rolled my eyes, looking out the window and watching our surroundings. He reached over, placing his hand on my thigh. He lightly squeezed it, rubbing with his thumb. I basically melted under his touch, feeling as though I would float away and disappear. I closed my eyes, feeling in bliss. I heard him laugh, so I opened my eyes and glanced at him.

"What?" I asked, confused.

"I just love the effect I have on you." He smirked, glancing at me. He returned his eyes on the road, turning left when the GPS told him to.

"It's too bad I don't have a similar effect on you." I frowned.

"Oh trust me, baby, you do." He laughed awkwardly.

"Huh?" I didn't quite understand. He removed his hand from my thigh, and grabbed my hand. He led it over to his lap, setting it down. I was confused, until I moved it a bit and he inhaled. I glanced at his lap, gasping. Oh.


hahaha hey guys i updated
idk this chapter was all over the place
harry has a boner tho hahahahahahah thats funny
anyways i went to an amusement park yesterday and lemme tell you, i am BURNT like bacon
anyways i might still update tonight even tho we didnt meet the goal

but if this one gets 5 votes and 5 comments i will definitely update tonight and double tomorrow !!


p.s. - this chapter is dedicated to BieberAndHazza because she made me the awesome new cover and i'm in love !!

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