Start from the beginning

'I love your lips,' his voice had dropped to a whisper as he traced my slightly parted lips with his fingers. 'I love how soft they are when I kiss you.'

His hand then went over my neck and down my throat.

'I have a double chin,' I blurted out.

He laughed, 'You have no such thing, babe.'

'I do when I do this,' I said as I moved my chin down so that I could show him what I was talking about. 'See?'

He laughed again, 'Everyone has a double chin when they do that! See?' He repeated what I had done making me laugh because of how he looked.

'Anyway,' he said with a smile as his hands trailed further down, moving to the side of my breasts. 'I don't even have to tell you how I love these,' he said mischievously. I gasped in mock horror despite my flaming face.

His hand went to my tummy, 'I love this, too.' He tickled me a little and I almost jumped off the bed as I laughed because I hadn't been expecting it.

He smiled before trailing his hand down to my hip, 'I love your hips and your butt...' He darted his tongue to lick his lower lip then he looked at me, mischief and something else in his eyes. 'You don't know this but I've been looking at you walking away a lot...,' he said, satisfaction on his face as he watched my face heat up.

'Shut up,' I muttered my infamous comeback.

He laughed as he traced his hand back to my head, 'I love your mind, how you think....I love your personality...I could go on forever...Cecilia, you are amazing...just the way you are. I could sing you the song and shout it at the top of my lungs but you need to believe it.'

I nodded, swallowing the little lump that was forming in my throat. Was there any chance that I loved this boy more than I already did?

I decided then and there that I would tell him how I felt about him. I couldn't avoid it any longer.

'Chris,' I whispered, running a hand through his messy hair.

He must have seen it in my eyes when he met my gaze because his eyes widened a fraction. But then he smiles a little, too. 'Yeah?'

Well, the universe must have thought it wasn't the best time to confess my feelings because just when I was about to open my mouth, his phone rang, startling the both of us from the little moment we were having.

He looked apologetic as he sat up and took out his phone out of his pocket. I watched as he looked at the screen in confusion before swiping to receive the call. 'Hey.'

Different emotions passed on his face; shock, sadness, anger, frustration and pain. I sat up next to him, taking his hand as comfort. His eyes flickered to mine for a brief moment before he closed his eyes and looked up. But he squeezed my hand back.

'When?' he asked the person he was talking to. He sighed, 'Shit, I don't know. Let me think about it okay? I can't just up and leave! He doesn't deserve anything from me.'

I figured he was talking about his biological father. What did he want? What had happened that had gotten Chris like this?

'Alright Peggy, alright,' he said, pulling his hand back to run it through his hair in frustration. He snorted at something Peggy said before looking at me, a small reluctant smile forming on his lips. 'Not that it's any of your business, but yes. It went great... Yes, she's here.' He rolled his eyes at whatever was beings said. 'Go disturb your boyfriend or something....Bye, Peggy!'

He disconnected the call before burying his face in his hands. I could see the tension in his back muscles with how rigid he was.


'Hm?' He didn't lift his head from his hands.

'Talk to me,' I said, pacing a hand on his back. He tensed before relaxing into my touch as I rubbed circles on his back.

He sighed before sitting up, looking at his phone. 'It's just that...It's nothing...'

'Hey,' I put a hand on his chin and forced him to look at me. 'None of that. Talk to me.'

He exhaled loudly, looking back down at his phone, 'He wants to see me. He's pressuring Peggy, my aunt, to convince me to go see him. I'm a dilemma. I want answers but I don't want to see him.'

I pulled him into my arms and hugged him. He didn't hesitate to wrap his arms around me. 'You need closure, Chris. And I'm afraid that means you seeing him.'

'I know,' he whispered, his head buried in my shoulder. 'I know.'

I rubbed his back in comfort, my heart breaking for him and the war going on inside him. 'If you decide to go, I'll go with you, okay?'

He pulled away to look at me, 'Really?'

'You're my rock the same way I'm yours, Chris,' I told him with a smile.

He kissed my cheek before hugging me to him. 'Okay.'


I'm not very good at kissing scenes. experience is a bit lacking. Anyway...


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