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*luke's pov*

"are you ready to see your dorm? are you excited for uni?" my mum asked me. i heard a small hint of sadness in her voice, but i know she's excited for me.

"yeah, mom," i mumbled, mostly focusing on the rock music playing through the car.

"the good thing is you won't have to deal with that person that used to bug you, what was their name? michele, m-"

"michael clifford." i rolled my eyes at the thought of him. i wonder where him and his horrible hair are now.

"ah, right. well there's always going to be more michael cliff- oh look, we're here!" she pointed at the big university building in front of us. "are you sure you're not going to need any help getting up there? i can always help you." she smiled, like she was hoping i would take her offer.

"i'm fine, mum, i told you. i'll call you later." she wiped a few tears tears off her cheeks as i wrapped my arms around her in a goodbye hug.

"oh, okay you do that, bye luke!" she waved and drove away after i had my few bags from the trunk. i looked around the campus and saw pretty much everyone: a few boys in backwards hats already flirting with some girls, some older kids handing out flyers, and then the kids throwing them away right after receiving them.

i took a deep breath and walked towards the dorm building with my duffle and suitcase. i didn't really have much to bring with me since all i wore were black skinny jeans and band shirts.

as i approached the guy at the desk inside, he gave me a warm, but fake-looking smile. "hi, what's your name?"

"uh, luke. luke hemmings." i took my lip ring between my teeth. i'm anxious to meet my dorm mate.

"oh, you're in dorm number 4314," he told me as handed me a key and pointed to some elevators and stairs. "i'm jordan, by the way, if you ever need anything."

"okay, thanks," i mumbled in return, picking up my bags and walking to the elevators. another boy was already there waiting.

"hi, i'm calum," he told me, even though i didn't ask.

"'m luke."

"is this your first year?" he is just making conversation, i mentally told myself.

"yeah, what about you?" we stepped into the wood interior elevator with our bags.

"yeah, me too." we both stood there in silence before the doors opened to the floor i was supposed to be on.

"i'll see you around, calum." i dragged my suitcase behind me as he let out a quiet "yeah."

i followed the signs and soon ended up at the room. i hoped my roommate isn't here yet, so i can get settled in. i twisted the key in the dorm's lock and walked in. no one was here yet, thank goodness, so i can pick a bed. they were both sort of lofted with dressers underneath and a desk at the end of them. pretty nice, even if it wasn't that big.

i threw my duffle bad on the left-side bed and started pulling my school necessities out when i heard someone come into the room.

"oh, you must be my roommate," i said without turning to look. "i'm-"

"you gotta be fucking joking." oh no.

i turned and looked. of course.

michael clifford.

"is this a joke? i have to be in the wrong room. how can this be happening," he groaned, staring at me.

"well, hello to you too, michael," i huffed, turning back to my bed.

"so we really have a room together. oh, this is rich. are we being pranked? did some boys fro-"

"michael, stop! just stop complaining! we'll have to deal with it." i rolled my eyes at him and he frowned.

"whatever, just don't expect me to be quiet." he threw his bags on the ground before jumping on his bed. "at least we'll be able to agree on music to play."

"yeah, now you look at the positives," i muttered, looking for my band posters in my bag.

"well, that's all i can do." he put his arms behind his head. "say, you don't happen to have a tv, do you?"

"no, i don't." i pulled out some tape and started hanging my blink-182 posters.

"oh, because i do, so if you could make some room on that wall for one that'd be great." he gestured to where i was hanging my posters. seriously?

"really? you couldn't have told me that before i taped these." i started slowly peeling them off the wall to avoid them tearing.

"i could've, but i just wanted to watch you complain." i could hear his smirk without even seeing him. what a dick.

i decided to ignore his stupid remarks, because what good is it going to do acknowledging them. "when are they bringing your tv?"

"later today, and don't think that you'll be watching anything on it." his eyes narrowed and i laughed.

"like i want to watch the teenage mutant ninja turtles with you, michael. i was just wondering so i can hang my posters. besides, i have my computer."

"do you have headphones too? because i don't want to hear your gay pornos when i'm with girls over here." i laughed even harder.

"good luck with that," i managed to say between laughs.

"why is that so funny to you!" his face reddened instantly as he glared at me. i don't know why he got so mad, but it was funny.

"chill," i giggled. giggled.

"did you just giggle?"

"i- no!" i grumbled and pulled out my headphones and laptop.

"oh. are you going to watch your gay pornos now? thanks for using headphones, i appreciate that."

"no, i'm going to listen to green day, you asshole." i put my headphone in and layed back on my pillows before he tapped my shoulder. i

"w-why don't you just play it out loud?" he asked, grinning.

"are you being nice to me now?" i smirked and he scowled at me.

"hell no, i just want to listen to some green day, damn," michael said, rolling his eyes and sat on the end of his bed and stared at me, waiting for me to unplug my headphones.

eventually, because his staring was bugging me, i just pulled out my headphones and let him listen to it with me.

"dookie is my favorite album, you know that?"

i looked at him and he smiled, as if persuading me to put it on. "i like american idiot, so i'm going to listen to it."

he huffed and i smirked at him. this was going to be a long few years.


okay so when i was typing this i realized something i probably should've said but tHIS IS NOT GOING TO BE LIKE AFTER WITH ALL THE COLLEGE STUFF i just thought of the dorm room thing a while ago lmao

oKAY vote and comment pls thx :-)


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