"Welcome heros, to your final destination. Make your self very very comfortable,"Abdùl said appearing from up the balcony.

Then a evil laughter corrupted the whole area.

"Who's that?"Makala asked.

"A guest that Adìmaro might know,"Abdùl answered.

Just then the person Abdùl was taking about showed up. It was Doctor Sebastian Diefenbach.

"Lange nict gesehen, wie ist ihre familie Adìmaro?" asked Diedfenbach.

Es nicts an ist, ist alles, was siem wissen müssen dass sie hinter den gittern sein."Adì anwsered back.

"Yeah um, I don't speak German, so what  are they saying exactly Natasha?"asked Clint.

"Doesn't matter, what we need to focus on now is escaping out of here,"Natasha said.

"Hey, let's just speak english right now, the language that we all understand, "Abdùl said addressing to Adìmaro and Diedfenbach.

It's been 15 minutes already, and Adìmaro was getting bored, Diefe-lets just say Bach for short, anyways, Bach and Abdùl were working on the bombs in a corner of the room. Not paying attention to the Avengers.

"Okay guys, this is our time to plan out what we're going to do, questions, suggestions, anyoneone?"asked Cap.

Adì raised his hand.

"Yes Adìmaro,"Cap called on Adì.

"This is kinda off topic, and we're on crunch time, but can the hulk break titanium? "asked Adì.

"Umm yes he can,"said Tony in his suit."What are you up to?

"Great,"Adì happily said, not hearing Tony's question.

Adi got up from where he sat and hulked up. standing at 6 feet, he was unstoppable compared to Abdùl. He ripped open the bars, punching Bach over to the side.

"What the f-"

Adìmaro punched Abdùl in the stomach so hard, he couldn't even get up. Ne slammed to the wall, trying to get up.

"Uhhh....shit,"Abdùl said in pain.

Out of nowhere guards and soliders filled the room.

"Move, move move, move, move!"some guy said.

"Plan B!"Cap said throwing his shield to one guy, then bumping into three other people.

Hawkeye was up the balcony shooting away at different people,  then kicking the guy who sneaked up to him. Black Widow flip-kicked one guy, jumped on another guy's back taking him down. Iron man blasted people away. Thor blasted through Abdùl's plane, and struck tons of agents.

More agents surged in. Things were getting tough. Abdul got his time to get up, Adìmaro was now his normal size. Dr. Bach was now conscious, he grabbed a phaser, and shot Iron man right in the helmet. It fell off.

All the Avengers gasped.

"Guys, guys. It's not really me I have back up coming,"Tony said. "I'm actually in the Avengers tower."

"I'll go get Coulson,"said Cap.

Adìmaro was fighting other people blasting them, he was feeling pretty confident. Until Abdùl came behind him, and kicked him down. Adìmaro turned and bladted him several times, but missed. Abdùl pined his arms down, and injected him with a serum that decreases his strength greatly.

"This is it Jëger,"Abdùl Sharan said with a nose bleed."Oh, and one last thing, I am the son of The Black Panther, air to the throne of the beautiful country in Africa.

Suddenly a great crash came upon the huge plane. Then there was a roar that silenced everyone. A roar that made Adìmaro smile. The noise got louder and louder. The noise silenced. Then Boom! The Hulk bursted into the plane took Abdùl. Abdùl shrieked.

"Unhand me, green beast, I'm to prince of--"

With that said the Hulk slammed Abdùl with one hand from one side to the other for four times straight. Then Hulk said:

"Puny Prince."

Hulk looked at the other Agents, they were so terrified, they jumped out of the plane

Everyone laughed. Then Adì got up, went to Abdùl Sharan, with everyone one following him.

"We're,  the Avengers.

Back in the Helocarrier.....

"So do you think the boy will be okay,"asked Nick.

"Yeah, of course they're the Avengers,"assured Agent Hill.

"What is taking so lo--"

"Gothim," Adìmaro said laughing.

Author's note: Hey guys happy Wednesday(that's what one of the teachers in my school say), this way my fav chapter of the book so far.

Question of the day: What is your fav chapter in the book.

As always vote comment, share, and dont forget to keep it Marvel. (I'm gonna start saying that,cool.)



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