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"Clarissa, run." Jonathan whispered as soon as his bold, black eyes opened.

"Wha- what?" Clary panicked, wondering where she was to run to and why her brother wanted her to.
She wondered if he was angry and out for revenge, giving her a chance to escape before he came after her and killed her for sending him to his death, but she had no chance to think as Jonathan shot up off the cold path and stretched his arms out that were mangled and broken a few minutes ago as if he had just woken from a deep slumber, and began to stand.

"I told you to run, little sister." Jonathan warned sternly, and panic shooting right through her, Clary did just that.

Why did I do it? Clary asked herself as she ran as fast as her short legs would allow her. She tried to run through the gardens behind the house, as it was the only place she could run- she couldn't face the people who had stood and watched her unleash hell on them all, panic probably surging through them as it was for clary now.
He'll be here any moment now, clary thought.
She remembered the woman who had shouted out that she should never had have the life of her brother put in her hands, and knew if it was put in anybody else's, she wouldn't be running for her life with the death of everyone on earth on her shoulders.

Suddenly clary went flying to the floor, her face straight into the dirt and grass of a garden. She cursed inwardly, and turned round to find her foot was caught in the roots of a tree situated a few meters away from her.

I'm close to the woods, Clary thought. It'll be harder for Sebastian to find me here.

But just as Clary was about to untangle her foot and run, she heard blood curling screams and gasped. It was coming from the side of the house, where she had fled from and clary felt she was going to fall apart in tears right there.
Its all my fault, she thought. Whatever those screams were for, it's my fault. I might have brought him back but he's taking his revenge on me.

Clary noticed her vision going blurry as she was about to let tears fall, but stopped.
No, the redhead thought. I can't fall apart now.

Pushing herself up off the dirt, she carefully untangled her foot with her hand, noticing the dull pain every time she tried to move it.

She pulled onto a branch that was closest to her, unable to walk on the foot that had been caught between the roots of a tree.
Suddenly, she heard the snap, and braced herself for the impact of crashing back into the soil, when she found herself in someone's arms right before she hit the ground.

Spinning her head round, she saw the white hair like snow, and felt the sharp, ice cold fingers curling round her waist.

"Glad to see me again, little sister?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2015 ⏰

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