Chapter 26

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By the time you read this, I will already be on my way to Gascony.

I appreciate all the love and support from both of you and know that when I am settled and things are as normal as they can be in these circumstances, I will call for both of you.

If you choose to stay in Paris, then I will make sure you are both well taken care of.

I owe my life and freedom to both of you and know that you will always hold a special place in my heart.

With all my love, Arianne

Violette read the letter, again and again, trying to understand why and how.

Her heart was aching and she couldn't control the tears, but Nina had already called for her three times.

She couldn't delay it anymore.

She walked over to a candle and set the letter on fire.

She was still Emilie, not Arianne.

No one could know about this.


A maid entered Christophe's chambers, to collect the breakfast dish left for the King in the morning. He was in meetings for most of the morning, so his room was quickly tidied up by the maid, who collected his dishes. As she picked up the tray, something was stuck to its bottom.

A letter - addressed to the King and unopened.

The writing was cursive with a feminine touch. The maid looked around the room, hoping no one was watching her.

It didn't take a genius to work out who it was from. Scrunching the letter up in her hands, she tossed it into the crackling fire, ensuring she hadn't been seen as she quickly left the room.


A facade was put up by Violette in the following few weeks - she dismissed every question regarding Emilie's whereabouts by the other maids and Nina. For the plan to work, she had to pretend to be in the dark but Nina caught on soon enough.

As the King sat on his throne, he met with the Parisians with their grievances, promising to support and help in any way possible.

The doors closed as the final Parisians left but Nina entered, curtsying to the royals present. "Ah, Nina. What grievance can I assist you with today?" Christophe teased as Louise elbowed him playfully.

"Your Majesty, it's one of the maids..." She said and he raised his eyebrows, sitting up slightly.

"Which one?"


The name sent something through Christophe as he looked at Ethan. "What about her?"

"Your Majesty, I believe she is missing..." Nina replied. "And after that Englishman was here, I cannot help but feel like her disappearance has something to do with him."

"The English Emissary is back in England..." Ethan pointed out. "She is probably at the Treville home."

"She has not been gone for this long..." Nina replied abruptly. "It's been almost two weeks. She lets someone know...always and Violette Leblanc doesn't know where she is." Nina looked at the King and the royals. "I am worried..."

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