Innocents and Trouble

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Ushi looked down at the cow with pure joy and love in her eyes. She ran up to Peanut and flung her arms around her cooing into the cows large ears. The cow mooed in delight at Ushi scratched behind her ear. Haru reached out to pet the cow. Peanut let the boy pet him. 

"Let's take them!" Ushi looked around the building to make sure that the old care taker was no where around. When she didn't see him she slunk out of the stall and into a room off to the side. Grabbing the bright neon blue halter, the one she bought Peanut, Ushi returned to the pen. 

Peanut stood still as Ushi placed the halter on the massive black and white head. Ushi looked up at Haru grinning like the cat off of Alice in Wonderland. In seconds the latch on the pen was undone. Ushi lead Peanut out of the pen and down the long isle of the big barn. 

The calf fallowed it's mother. He was a small black and white. He was mostly white with a few small black dots on his ears, by his eyes and nose, and on his back. His switch at the end of his tail was all black. Being a matter of a few hours old the new calf followed his mother into the world of the city.

"Ushi is this a good idea?" Haru asked as the continued the on the path into the Sohma's land. Haru watched Ushi with care. The girl took one look at the calf and knew the answer.

"Yes! Just look at him!" Ushi flung her arms around the calf who froze for a moment before sending out a little moo to his mother. Peanut looked back at her calf for a moment before nuzzling him and Ushi with her nose. "Peanut that's cold!"

 "Come on lets get him to Sigure's." Haru grabbed the lead rope encouraging Peanut to walk on. "What are you going to name him?"

"I don't know? What goes good with Peanut?" Ushi tapped her mouth with a finger as the followed the cows. "Stew! He looks like a Stew!"

"Beet Stew?" Haru looked back at the girl. Her smile fell and her long blue hair covered her amazing green eyes. Something in Haru told him to make her smile. How was he going to do that though? "How about Tippy?"

"No Tippy sounds like a girls name." Ushi frown deepened. Panicking slightly Haru blurted out the  first thing that cam to mind.

"Tux!" The smile that he received brightened up his world. Ushi screamed her liking of the idea before flinging her arms around Haru. With a poof of smoke Haru was a cow. 

"Sorry! But at least you are still cute!" Ushi ruffled the forelock on Haru while giggling. Tux walked closer to him sniffing that the new member to the group. Upon deciding that he like this new version of Haru, Tux licked the cow's cheeks. "Aw! He likes you."

Haru changed back upon reaching the house. Ushi turned around blushing as Haru put on  clothes. Shigure flung open the door and noticed Ushi's blush instantly. In his sing song voice he teased her about it for a bit,before he noticed the two cows standing in his flowers. Peanut was chowing down on them while Tux fed from her.

"My plants!" Shigure rushed at the feeding cows. Tux was startled to the point he bawled and run behind a tree. Peanut charged at Shigare. Screaming Shigure ran back towards the house. "Return them now!"

"But Shigure!" Ushi stared up at the man with tears in her eyes. Her bottom lip quivered a little bit. Shigure fought not to look at her sternly and he was doing a great job until Tux nudged his hand. Shigure looked down at the calf. The calf seemed as he was also begging Shigure with his eyes.

Ushi knelled down and hugged the calf''s neck. With there combined efforts Shirgure hung his head in defeat. As soon as Ushi heard the words she jumped up hugging the man around his neck. For the second time that day there was a poof of smoke, only this time there was a dog instead of a cow.

"Oh Shigure I'm sorry! I forgot! I was just so happy."

"Ushi my dear it is okay, just  have Haru show you the way to the barn where you can keep the cows." Shirgure let out a puff of air before trotting inside the house. Haru grabbed Ushi's hand and let her down a path behind the house. In the distance you could just barley make out a barn.

Putting the animals in a pen that had a door that leads into the barn. The two cows seemed to be happy with there new home. Ushi watched them graze in the green field as she leaned on the fence. A squeeze on her hand made her look to her left.

Haru was stairing down at her. Grey eyes stared into her green ones. A bolt of electricity shot in between them. Haru down a pressed his lips gently to Ushi's. Pulling away from the girl Haru saw a smile even bigger then the one she gave the cows.

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