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So all my thoughts, Rants, opinions are going to be in here. Some might be weird, boring, give you that "Wtf am I reading?" feeling. Buttttttt oh wellssss....

Boys are confusing.
No offense to any guys reading this but seriously cant you be easier to read for girls? Like we can never figure you guys out.
I mean when a guy says "Night" first it usually means they are going to bed right? But why talk in a group chat for almost an hour when you just told your girlfriend goodnight.
Does this make any sense?
I mean yes, to guys girls can be confusing. But its not like we plan it!

Guys I mean seriously can you not be like a jerk when your around your friends but sweet when you and your girl are alone. Please?
Im not saying all guys are like that
But some are. And that hurts alot!

Why do some of you boys and girls cheat?
No matter what gender it is they arw both going to be equally hurt. How do I know this? I've been cheated on and it hurts like hell. I've seen clise guys friends get cheated on and they were a reck. Yes both genders have different ways with dealing with it but the thought of cheating makes me pissed. I mean seriously you say your loyal but your not. Im not saying everyone does it but a selected few do. I mean seriously, boys if you cheat your not a "man" your little boys who need to grow up. And girls if you cheat your not a "woman" your little girls who need to grow up.

Thank You.

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