Chapter 8 - Dreadful detention, Sad Maddy & Ethan??!

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                                 Chapter 8 - Dreadful detention, Sad Maddy & Ethan??!

Taylor - the ex best friend as cliche as it could get the popular girl was the unnoticed invisible girl's best friend whoo hoo for me, but it was true we were best friends till we where ten years old and we were practically inseparable.I remember once on my sixth birthday Taylor's mom didn't give her permission to come to my princess themed sleepover, i canceled my plans until Taylor's mom gave her permission to come to my house, and she did, we had a blast.

Till that dreadful day,i stopped going out to play,I wouldn't answer any phones and whenever Taylor came over to see me I would just hide, slowly we drifted apart and she started getting new friends, new clothes, new boyfriends.

so to sum things up,Taylor is popular and I'm still here in my flip flops standing awkwardly in a sea of sequins and mixture of sweat and expensive cologne which made me gag.i pushed through the crowd trying to get to my seat without being noticed by Taylor,but i knew she had a plan to take me down.

i got to my seat unnoticed and sat down to complete my work, i was so into my work that i didn't notice the bell ring and our teacher had already entered the class, and Taylor had said some thing to him and i was almost done with my work,and then i a heard a shoe tapping next to my table, it was Mr Brown.

"I-I'm sorry sir"i stuttered out of fright

"what are you doing young lady?" He looked at my almost completed homework

"Homework in class eh?" he said walked in front of the class

Mr. Brown was a hard task master, he hated students not doing their home work or copying in class. He was very particular about our work and now i was in trouble, the only good part is teachers cant beat us with rulers, or i would be in deep shit right now.

"So miss Taylor what do we do when some one doesn't complete their home work?" he asked her 

i started shaking like a piece of paper  and those dreadful words kept ringing in my head

"DETENTION," she said

i  was an average kid  i never did anything stupid that would shine Leighton me and get every ones attention, i always did my homework,and  my grades are average so i didn't have to to summer school  so getting detention for the first time a big deal for me

"Yes, Now miss Madison you have to go for detention everyday this week starting today,"he said looking at me

"yes sir," i said in a murmur 

i was not used to all this attention i just needed to get out of here i could hear people talk about me.

"she's such a wimp"


"yes sir" someone imitating me

"its just detention LOL"

people snickering at me i just wanted to get out of here but class had just started and it wasn't gonna end soon. i just looked into my books and tried my best to concentrate in class but Taylor and her friends didn't make it easy they kept passing sly comments about me and made it even hard for me to concentrate in class, i kept looking at the clock above our board  waiting for the time to tick by, but it felt like years waiting for each minute to pass by.Taylor has not been in  school for and hour and shes already made my life miserable. finally the bell rang i waited till the class room was empty to talk to mr. brown. 

"Mr. brown?" i said walking up to his table

"yes Madison," he said politely

"im sorry sir," i lowered my eyes

"Madison i know you're a bright student,and you always do your homework,but i have to set an example for everyone in this class," he said

"I know sir," i said quietly and started walking away

"Listen Madison," he called

"yes sir,"i said walking back to his desk

"you're the first student who apologized to me so, i'm thinking of cutting your detention short,"

"really sir," i said with the biggest smile on my face

"how does two days of detention sound," he said with a smile

i jumped with joy and was about to break into a song and dance, i realized that Mr. brow was still in the room and i quickly came back to my senses

"thank you so much sir thank you" i kept repeating my self to him

Mr. brown just kept laughing

and before left i said one last thing to him

"I wont disappoint you sir," i said with an honest smile and left the room

Things aren't bad after all, till i saw Ethan he pushed past me and went into Mr. browns class room and shut the door behind him, i nodded my head thinking it was nothing and left for my next class.

The classes went by in a blink of an eye and that dreadful moment had arrived.i was standing  there with sweaty palms and shivering legs, who knows what kind of danger lies behind that door. i braced myself for the worst and grabbed the door handle to go inside,Before i could open the door it flew open startling me and i dropped to the ground hurting my bum

"Ouch,"i yelped

"Maddy," a sweet voice called my name.

his hand came to the rescue and i held it to get back on my feet.

"well haven't i embarrassed my self enough already," i said to the person holding my hand.

"You sure have Fatty," he said.

"Ethan!!!," i yelled in shock and horror

"Who else would it be??"he laughed "Alex," he added

"Yea,"i sighed

"Well sorry he wouldn't make it, hes probably making out with Taylor,"he said nudging me

i whacked the back of his head went it inside the classroom for my Dreadful detention. i sat down in somewhere  in the middle of the classroom which were filled with delinquents who are used to detention and there was poor old me. Ethan came and sat down with me and started scribbling on the desk

"What are you going to tell your mom when she finds out about this??" he asked while doodling a hairy penis on the table


"Someone's trouble," he said with an evil smirk on his face.


Authors Notes

Hi guys sorry its been a while, but i have finally updated hope you like it, its kind of a small chapter is only a filler and there will be longer chapters hope you like it.

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