Chapter 6 - Empathetic Ethan,Arrogant Alex and Gracious gifts

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I went downstairs to find my friends. I found them dancing and having the time of their life. I didn't want to ruin their moment for puke on my shoes. I just sneaked out the back, not knowing where I was going but I knew one thing - I had to come back for the sleepover. I just walked for I don't know how long when I came back to my senses. When I saw I was walking home, I decided to check on them because I was already there.

I was coming close to home and I saw Ethan on the porch, sitting on the swing and having a cola. I walked up to him and slumped down on the sofa.

"Why aren't you supervising?" I asked over the thumping of the music inside.

"They are well behaved, plus my men are in there," He said with a smug smile. He looked at me and asked "Whats wrong?"

How the heck did he know something was wrong with me, I thought to myself.

"I came to check on you," I said, trying to lie.

"I know you have been crying, Maddy." He came close to me and I could feel the heat radiating off him.

"How do you know?" I asked suspiciously. "Can you read minds?" I asked him, looking at me.

"No dummy," He laughed as he took out his phone and took a picture.

"Hey, why did you do that?" I asked him, yanking the phone from him.

"I looked horrible." Looking at my black streaks of eyeliner and mascara on my face, I gave the phone back and started wiping my face with my sleeve.

"Is it all gone?" I asked, looking at him.

''No," He said, licking his thumb and cleaning the remaining black mess from my face. His hand felt soft on my face and he was staring intently at my face which made the colour of my face turn red.

All I could stammer out was,"Th-thank you."

"Don't mention it," He said coolly.

Why was he doing this? He's always been mean to me in the seventeen years of my existence. Maybe he wants to be friends, maybe it's a trap, maybe it's a change of heart, maybe he wants to hurt you. All these thoughts were playing in my mind when he interrupted me.

"Will you tell me why you were crying?" He asked, looking at me and my red eyes.

"You'll laugh," I said leaning on to him.

"Try me," He said, putting his arm around me. His hand was really heavy on my tiny shoulder but it made me feel better.

"Alexpukedonmyshoesandtheyareruined." I got it out in one breath.

"Alex did what?" He looked at me with concern in his eyes.

"Puked on my shoes and ruined them," I repeated myself.

He was trying to stifle his laugh but he did a bad job doing it.

"You can laugh," I said, sighing.

He let out a roar of laughter and kept on laughing for five minutes straight.

"You cried for that, you big baby," He said, nudging me.

"Those were given to me by my dad," I said quietly, wiping a tear of my cheek.

"Don't cry, please. I'm sorry," He said, hugging me. His body radiated heat, making me want to hug him forever. I could feel his heart beating, his heavy toned arms around me. It gave me a feeling I never had before, a feeling of security, safety, which I felt only with my dad. I didn't want to let go of this feeling which made me hug him tighter. He knew about mom and dad's divorce. Well, he had to know, his mom and my mom were practically best friends. They work in the same office as well, which meant gossiping and laughing their asses off for no god damned reason. Mom shared everything with Ethan's mom, which obviously meant he knew about the divorce.

Why was he doing this, was all I could think of.

I let go of him because I didn't want things to get awkward.

"Thanks for the hug," I smiled at him and my eye went to his phone. I picked it up to check the time.

"Shit," I said, looking at the time. "I have to go, I'm late," I added. Em's house was not walking distance, I thought to myself.

"I'll drop you," He said, getting up from the swing.

"But the party." The thumping of the music could still be heard from outside.

"Don't worry, Maddy. Trust me," He said, staring deeply into my eyes and I was lost in the deep blue oceans that were his eyes.

"Okay." Was all I said and we were off in his black mustang.

In ten minutes we were at Em's house and I got out, thanking him, but instead of driving, he was climbing out of the car and was coming along with me.

"Ethan," I called out.

"Yeah," He said, stopping right at the door. "Please delete my picture," I said, pointing at his phone.

All he did was laugh while rubbing the nape of his neck and went inside.

The rest of the party was really boring. I just sat on the couch playing fruit ninja and Ethan was nowhere to be seen. I thought I would hang out with him until a very sexy Alex came and sat down next to me.

"You're Mandy, right?" He asked, trying to remember my name. He really looked cute when he was trying to be smart.

"It's Maddy," I said, correcting him.

"Maddy, right'" He said, repeating my name.

"By the way, I'm Alex," He said, stretching his hand forward. I know who you are, you're my dream boy, my prince charming, my knight in shining armour, but all could say was,

"I know, you're in my accounts class," while shaking his hand.

"Really?" He asked me.

"Yeah," I replied.

"Hey, can you do me a favour?" He asked in a very sexy voice.

A kiss, be your girlfriend, fall in love with you, marry you, have your babies, I'm ready to do anything baby, I thought to myself, getting excited.

"Can you do my accounts homework for me? Because I'm failing the class and if I fail I won't be able to play for the team and the championship is right around the corner and I have to play. Will you help me out?" He asked with pleading eyes.

"HUBBA WHAAAHH," was the only thing I could say.

"HUH," Alex said, looking confused.

"I mean, yeah, I'll do it," I said like a fan girl.

"Thanks, can you give it to me Monday?" He said, getting off the couch.

He didn't even apologize for puking on my shoes.

After that, the party died down and my friends and I changed and settled down in Em's room to cut Sara's cake and give her her gifts.

The candles were blown, the cake cut and then it was time for the gifts.

Sara had gotten many nice gifts and she was about to open mine. When she opened mine, she just screamed. Guess she liked the gift.

I told Em about my brief conversation with Alex and she just laughed her ass off.

"There's one good thing about this 'homework' thing, you'll be able to talk to him on Monday," She said, putting some movie in the DVD player.

"In a very twisted kind of way," I said, jumping on to Em's bed and grabbing some popcorn.

And before the movie ended, we all had dozed off.


Authors notes:

i dedicate this chapter to pinkholic_fz and my readers who got me up to 400+ reads i am really greatfull to you all,this motivates me to write even more.THANK YOU ALL

picture of Alex on the side 

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