Chaper 11.

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We all got home from the music video and it was late. Me and Brendan decided to leave our date until tomorrow which we both decided would be best seen as none of us felt like doing anything tonight. Me, Josh and Brendan all lay on my bed watching Netflix, 'I'm gonna go to bed, goodnight' Josh said while walking out of the room.
'That was abit awkward' Brendan laughed.
'How?' I asked while sitting up in the bed.
'Because the girl I fancy had her tongue down his throat a few hours ago' he joked.
'Ew what way do you think I kiss!?' I asked pretending to be offended.
'I didn't mean literally' he laughed.
We lay there watching a film while I cuddled up to Brendan. We lay there talking and watching the film until we both fell asleep.

The next morning I woke up cuddled into Brendan's chest while he had his arm around me.
'BRENDANNNNNNN' Dayl, Cian and Ryan screamed as they ran into the room.
Brendan jumped before waking up and sitting up in the bed, 'What the fuck lads' he said confused.
'Louis just rang we are going to the pride of Ireland awards and presenting an award later! And there will be an after party with alcohol and girls' Cian said as he danced around the room. Brendan looked at me and sighed.
'Can we reschedule again I'm sorry' he frowned.
'don't be sorry of course we can' I smiled.
'reschedule what?' Dayl asked curiously.
'Our date' Brendan said proudly.
'Sure Bren you can bring her tonight, we can all bring someone' Ryan informed us.
Shit I wasn't sure whether I wanted to go, I have like no dresses and like I wouldn't fit in at all.
The boys left the room and went downstairs, I was standing at my wardrobe looking for something to wear for the day and also reminding myself I have NO dresses incase Brendan did ask did I want to go.
'so do you wanna go with me later?' Brendan smiled.
'Bren I literally have no clothes I'll look horrible' I said looking over to him.
'Shut up you will look amazing in anything' he smiled.
'I'm going to mine in a few to see my mam and dad do you wanna come they miss you' he informed me.
'I'd love to' I smiled as we both stood up and walked towards the door.

Brendan's family had always made me feel so welcome, probably because I know them my whole life. They had no idea about me and Brendan, well like we aren't boyfriend and girlfriend we have just kissed and we are going on a date and we both like each other so I don't know what you would call that but whatever it was Frank and Julianne had no idea and I didn't know whether Brendan was going to tell them.
'We are going to the pride of Ireland awards tonight' he informed his parents.
'oh that's great Bren, are you going too Zoe?' His mam asked me.
'she's my date' Brendan interrupted.
'Date? Ah go on son I'm proud of you' His dad said while giving Brendan a hug.
'Oh what are you going to wear?' His mam asked.
'That's the problem I have nothing' I replied.
'That's it I'm bringing you shopping, we will find you the perfect dress' she said as she grabbed her car keys off the counter. I didn't even have time to reply before I was being directed out to her car in the front garden.

After hours of walking around town we had finally found the 'perfect' dress. I was in love with it. Brendan's mam use to be a beautician so she offered to do my hair and make up. I looked in the mirror and I could barely recognise myself, for once I felt happy with my appearance. I put on my dress and shoes before walking down to join the rest of the boys.
'Holy shit can I be 4/6 on your list' dayl slagged.
I walked over and joined Brendan who done nothing but stare.
'You.. You look beautiful' he finally managed to mumble.
I placed my hand on his shoulder as he placed his arm around my waist pulling me into him and I kissed him. After I had pulled away I looked up to see Brendan's mam smiling down at the two of us. Image had probably been expecting this to happen for years.

We got to the awards and there were cameras and fans everywhere. It was so amazing being able to see the boys present an award and be praised so much by fans. After the awards of course it was time for the boys favourite part. The after party. Like cian had said there was drink and girls. Loads of girls, girls who were absolutely stunning. I could feel myself getting jealous of how stunning each of them was. Me and the boys started having a few drinks. I didn't want to drink too much because I am like the lightest weight ever. After a few drinks I decided it was time to ask Brendan a question.
'why are you here with me when you could be with any of them girls over there who are practically drooling over you. You can do so much better so why don't you?' I asked.
I don't know why I asked that because I didn't want to hear the answer and I was afraid of him realising what I said was true and running off with a much prettier girl which honestly would crush me.
'I can't help who I fall in love with and anyway I don't want to do any better. None of those girls compare to you what so ever, you are the most amazing girl I've ever met and I wouldn't change you for anyone' he smiled.
I could feel tears fill my eyes and a huge smile appear on my face.
'You're in love with me?' I asked.
'Yes' he smiled.
I have never felt happier. Hearing him say that made me forget about everything else and instantly made me feel happy. The truth is I was in love with him and although I have told others I loved them in the past I had never been in love with them the way I was with Brendan.

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