Chapter 10.

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We arrived home to the boys huddled around Cians phone. It was Louis on the phone, 'You're going to shoot your music video tomorrow' he informed the boys.
'Ryan and Dean you bring your girlfriends and the rest of you boys bring who you want to be your date. I'll see you tomorrow at 11' he said before he hung up the phone.
Me and Ryan looked at each other awkwardly, 'I should tell louis' he laughed.
'Yeah probably' I laughed.
The boys sat on their phones scrolling through their contacts deciding on who to invite to the music video.
'YESS. That fit girl Gemma said she will be my date' cian said clearly proud of himself.
'Rachel said he will go with me' Dayl said while standing up and high fiving each other.
Josh was quiet while the rest of the boys exchanged words about their 'dates'. I stood there leaning against the door, 'Zoe will you be my date?' Josh blurted out causing everything to fall silent.
Brendan looked at me and I looked back at him, I couldn't say no and go with Brendan then they would know something is going on.
'I'd love to' I smiled before I walked over and gave him a hug.

It was the next morning and I got up early to make myself look even half presentable seen as It was the video shoot day. Brendan hadn't really spoke to me much since last night, he woke up and I walked over and lay beside him.
'what's wrong?' I asked him.
'You're going today as Josh's date' he frowned.
'I know Bren but I couldn't say no and go with you, they would know something was going on' I smiled before giving him a kiss on the lips.
'Speaking of dates I think it's only right if I bring you on one, how about tonight?' He smiled.
'Perfect' I smiled back before kissing him quickly and then continuing to get ready.
I was finally ready and I met the boys at the bottom of the stairs where they were all sat eagerly waiting for their dates to arrive at the door. I walked down the stairs and joined the boys, 'You look beautiful' Josh smiled.
I felt my cheeks burn up, 'Thanks Josh' I replied shyly.
One by one the boys dates showed up at the house, First was Cians date Gemma. After was Dayls date Rachel, followed by Dean and Ryan's dates Lauren and Sarah and then finally Brendan's date was a girl called Morgan.

We were greeted by Louis at a big house where the boys will be shooting their video. The boys went and got dressed and got their hair and make up done. Louis informed me and the other girls and some of the extras that the theme of the music video was a party so basically we would just have to sit around and pretend to be drunk and do some dancing etc. The boys were dancing away and singing where I belong.
'That was perfect boys, now go get your dates and we will record the next scene' the director shouted.
Josh walked over and brought me over to the rest of the boys and the director.
'Right boys everyone sit in a circle on the floor' he directed.
I sat down between Dean and Josh. The director placed a bottle in the middle and my face dropped.
'Right guys we are going to record yous playing a game of spin the bottle' he smiled.
'Ok Cian you are up first. Ok 1 2 3 action' he whispered.
We were all smiling and laughing and slagging as the bottle pointed at Gemma and he leaned over and kissed her gently. Next up was Josh, I sat there pretending to drink my drink as the bottle spun for what felt like hours. There was cheering as I looked down and of course the bottle was pointing at me. Shit I thought to myself. Brendan was sitting directly across from me, I couldn't kiss Josh in front of him but I had to. I leaned in and Josh leaned in too, I kissed him gently but then ended up turning quite passionate.
'CUT. Brendan you're at a party you have to look happy you're at a party not a funeral' the director informed Brendan.
'Josh you're going to have to do that again, but do it the same it looks perfect' he said to Josh. And with that we leaned in again and kissed like we had 2 minutes ago.

'Zoe and Josh I need you to sit on the couch together, Zoe you sit on Josh's lap and just smile and laugh with each other and then I'll need You's to kiss again' the directed said as he pointed at the couch.
'Cian and Dayl you sit beside them and just sing the chorus'.
This felt so wrong, I loved Josh but this was just weird. We done what the director said anyway and when we had finished the scene I went into the kitchen to try find Brendan. When I seen he wasn't in the kitchen I looked around the house and couldn't find him until I walked outside into the garden and seen him sitting on a bench on his phone.
'You okay?' I asked while I sat beside him.
'Em yeah I'm fine' he said shortly
I put my hand on his arm which caused him to look up from his phone and look at me, 'Bren I know there is something wrong, what is it?' I asked.
'I'm sorry just seeing you and Josh kind of upset me, but it's stupid I'm sorry' he said frowning.
I intertwined our fingers together.
'Bren you're the one I like. I don't like Josh in that way, we only done it for the video other than that it meant nothing. Your the one I like' I smiled.
He said nothing he just gazed into my eyes while I gazed into his.
'Zo, I love you' he smiled.
I literally nearly fell off the bench in shock, did he actually just say that. I leaned in and kissed him just like I did the night before at the pier, when we pulled away I leaned my forehead against his.
'Bren, I love you too' I smiled.
I was too lost in the moment that I hadn't even noticed that all 5 of the boys were standing at the door and had just seen all of that.
'Brendan Hugh Francis Murray the only fella I know to ever escape the friendzone' Dean jeered.
'Jesus Zo you're moving around the band 3/6 now' Cian joked.
We walked back in and recorded the rest of the video but this time I got to be Brendan's date. This felt right.

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