Chapter Twenty-Four

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Adalyn's P.O.V.

I smiled when the movie ended and went completely black at the movie theaters. Me and Tyler took Lyla out for her first movie. It was a cute movie. Lyla clapped and started talking, "Yay yay yay." Me and Tyler laughed. Tyler scooped Lyla out of her seat and we took our garbage, walking out of the theater.

"Did you like it?" I asked Lyla, gently brushing her blonde wavy hair out of her face. She nodded and replied back, "Yes." Lyla was 2 and a half years old now, she could say most things. We drove to a restaurant to get some lunch after the movie.

We walked into the restaurant and I put Lyla into a high chair and then sat down. Luke proposed to me a couple months ago and of course I said yes. We have only been together for a year and a half, but we weren't like other couples. We agreed on mostly everything and bonded very well.

After ordering our food, me and Tyler started to talk about everything going on. "So have you called Luke at all? I know it's hard for you but he is Lyla's father and he does deserve to see her." Tyler asked. "Yeah, I talked to him yesterday. He's finally starting to get over me, thank God." We laughed.

"Did you hear about Noah? He robbed that bank and ended up getting shot." Tyler mentioned.
My eyes widened. "Really? Well maybe if he wasn't robbing banks  that wouldn't have happened." I said shrugging. "Did he die?" I asked, folding my hands on the table and placing my chin on top of them.

Tyler nodded. "Yeah." I changed the subject and started talking about our wedding. We finally got a date planned out. It took us forever but we did.

After eating our food, we went back home and Tyler went upstairs to put Lyla to bed. I sighed and went into the downstairs bathroom to look at the mirror. I closed and locked the door and stared at my reflection for a couple of minutes.  I was worried because my period is a week late. I also have been having a lot of cravings.

I pulled open one of the drawers and took out a pregnancy test I got a while back when I was pregnant with Lyla and wasn't sure if I truly was. I took the test. As I waited for my test results, I stood next to the sink and placed the test on the counter. What the result was, was unbelievable.

The test came out positive. No. My eyes widened and I quickly unlocked the door and opened it, running out to find Tyler. "Tyler!" I called. Tyler quickly approached at the bottom of the stairs with a worried look on his face. "What? What happened?" I smiled and said, "I'm pregnant."

He gasped and his jaw dropped open. "No." I nodded and felt a tear fall down my face. "Yes."
He grinned and picked me up, spinning me and then placing me on the ground. "This is great! I can't believe it! I need to tell my mom, dad, brother, grandma, grandpa-" I cut him off, laughing. "Okay okay I get it." He gently kissed me, and whispered, "I'm going to be a father."

A/N: Hey guys! This is the last chapter before the epilogue. I really enjoyed writing this book even though it didn't get a lot of views, I'm still proud of it. Thanks for reading! 😊

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