"..." Um, what?

I mean, okay, it's not like I expected us to sleep in the same bed when we're in a fight like this and everything, but really, why do I have to be the one sleeping in the guest room? This is my house, and my bed. Just because he's been sharing it with me for the past month or however long it's been, it does not entitle him to kick me out of my bed and tell me to sleep in the guest room. He's the one that blew this whole thing out proportion and got us into this big fight to begin with. He's the one who stormed out of the house like a child, and didn't come back for hours, making me worry and cry all alone all day instead of, I don't know, staying and working it out? Who does he think he is anyway?


He gives me a small, appreciative smile and squeezes my arm. "Thanks. Goodnight." Then that's that, before he's disappearing up the stairs, with me staring up after him, wondering where the hell my backbone went.

- - -

Two hours later, I'm alone on the musty, uncomfortable guest bed, in my scary basement. Oh, and did I mention alone? I'm not going to be able to sleep, I know that already. I'm still cursing myself for not saying no to Ryan, because he can't just go kicking me out of my own bed, even if I did say the things I did (which, you know, could have been a lot worse).

After he went upstairs, I went back on the couch and cried to my mom some more, because I was hoping we'd work it out. I thought he'd come home, fall into my arms, and cry; telling me how sorry he is and he'll never leave again. Then, I'd cry, hold onto him and promise him we'd never fight again. Then, there would be some kissing and some removal of clothing, then some sex to follow - and this time, I'd make sure to use a condom. But, nope, not even close. I got a drunk-looking, emotionless Ryan.

I'm not exactly sure what time it is when the door slowly slides open, and a thin ray of light comes flooding in. I crank my head towards the door to see Ryan's silhouette, curled into himself, with a pillow clutched to his stomach. I hear a few sniffs, and the door click shut. Then, he just dashes across the room and into the bed, pulling the covers over himself and curling into my side.

I suck in a breath, because I wasn't really expecting that, but I don't have to think before I'm pulling the pillow from between us, and wrapping an arm around his tiny waist, pulling him closer into me. He takes a deep breath, and nestles his face into my shoulder. "I'm sorry," he apologizes in a hushed tone, voice muffled by the soft material of my shirt. "I couldn't sleep, knowing that you were done here, and we were in a fight. I shouldn't have left today either, I don't know what I was thinking, I was just so upset, and terr -" he says, voice rushed, and I can feel his hot tears soak through my t-shirt and into my skin.

I run my fingers through his hair, soothing him. "Shhh," I hush him, leaning down to press a soft kiss to his left eyebrow. "It's okay. I understand." Because really, I do.

He hiccups, and presses his nose into my shoulder. "I don't blame you for blowing up at me... for saying those things..."

"But you should," I whisper. "I shouldn't have. Because you have every right to be scared... I mean, honestly if I were you, I would be too. I was exactly like you when I was with Ethan, probably worse, I was so paranoid about protection it was ridiculous. One time, I thought the condom had broken, and I cried... so, it's not like I don't understand... I feel like an idiot for just getting so caught up with you, and sex, that I forgot."

He shrugs, and pulls his face from my shoulder, tilting his head to look up at me. It's dark, and I can barely see his face, but I swear, his beauty still makes me go weak at the knees. "It's okay," he whispers, genuinely, running a finger along my bicep, and that's all he says about it. He hiccups, and sniffles. "I don't want to fight with you." He pouts. "It sucks."

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