Chapter 6

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We went out of the room and talk. "Why do you wanna talk?" Y/n said "i have to tell you something" Taylor said "okay what is it?" Y/n said "i like you" Taylor said and with that he kissed me i was shocked.

Taylor said he liked me and he kissed me but he knows that i'm with Cameron and i like him but just as friends nothing more.

"But i'm with Cameron, and i like you too but just as friends. I'm sorry" y/n said "oh, okay, i understand, i'm sorry" Taylor said and he just left and went in the room with the other guys.

After Taylor told me that he went in the room and i followed him behind. "What did he say?" Cam asked "nothing" i said "guys i'm going to sleep now" Taylor said. We all nod and say goodnight

Cam's POV
I think y/n is hiding something. I will probably find that out. I'm getting tired now i asked y/n if we could go sleep now and she said okay. (Btw, we sleep in one room now)

We went to our rooms now and say our good night's. I changed into some tank top and pajamas. And Cam changed in just shorts and he was shirtless ❤ we cuddled for a little while and we kissed and say goodnight and i love you's and we fell asleep

The next day

Today is the last Magcon. I'm going to miss Cam long distance relationship will be so hard. Cause of time difference. I'm going to miss him so much

I woke up and Cam is not here where could he be? I take a shower and did my morning routine i changed into my floral crop top some white skaters skirt and some sandals after i'm done i heard the door open. It was Cam and he bought breakfast aww so sweet of him #relationshipgoals "hey baby, good morning. I bought some breakfast" Cam said while kissing me "good morning baby. Aww. You don't have to thank you babe" i said while kissing him back. "You need to get ready for the last Magcon day, babe" i said "oh yeah. I forgot" Cam said and with that he went to take a shower

Cam's POV
I went to take a shower cause today will be the last Magcon day. I'm going to miss y/n so much i wish she could come. Wait.. I could ask her to come to the tours. After i'm finished taking a shower i changed into some maroon t- shirt and some skinny jeans and my black vans. I went out and ask her. "Hey babe, do you wanna come and join me on Magcon tours so we wouldn't be apart?" I said "omg! Yes! That's a great idea!" Y/n said. After that we went out to meet the guys.

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