"Well you weren't in your room here or on the Argo so where else where you have been?" Walt asked in an as-a-matter-of-fact tone. I rolled my eyes and Carter chuckled. "I'll be out there soon." I turned back to Carter. "I'll catch you later." I told him as I got up.
"See ya." He told me.

I scurried out of his room and vapor traveled back to the Argo where Percy was on the deck. "Morning Seaweed Brain." I said teasingly.

He chuckled and kissed my forehead. "So I have a question for you."

"Ask away." I said as I sat on the rail.

"What's going on with you and Kane?" He asked with a small smirk on his face.

I blushed and tucked a loose strand of hair behind my ear. "Nothing. Why?" I asked.

"Oh I don't know. I kinda though that you liked Leo?"

I raised my eyebrows. "Nobody told you?"

"Told me what?" He asked.

I cleared my throat. "He cheated on me." I mumbled.

"What?" He asked.

"He cheated on me." I mumbled a little louder.

"Sophie..." Percy said sternly.

"Leo cheated on me." I blurted out.

His eyes widened. "What? With who?"

"Calypso." I muttered.

"Calypso? Like, the Calypso?" He asked

I nodded. "There's nothing going on between me and Carter."

"You're lying to me." Percy chuckled.

"Fine." I lowered my voice to a whisper. "I think I might like him. But I'm kinda hesitant you know? After what happened with Leo...I don't want to get hurt again."

Percy sighed. "Sophie you're beautiful. And Leo and Nico were just stupid to let you go. But, ya know Annabeth told me something before we got the statue."

"What did she say?" I asked.

"In Charleston, after you jumped into the water, Aphrodite said something about you and Carter being her best work. And I mean she is the goddess of love so..."

"So you're trying to say that me and Carter are...meant to be?" I asked.

Percy shrugged. "I'm just restating the words of the crazy goddess."

Could it really be?

"Well, right now my love life is the least of our worries. We have a war to prepare for." I told him. Then I went downstairs to grab some breakfast.


We were making our way to the Acropolis. I don't think I have ever been more nervous in my life.

The Egyptians had charmed our ships so they wouldn't be spotted by monsters and I manipulated the mist to cover them from mortals.

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