** "I love you, babe." **

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They were kissing on the stairs of Derek's apartment. They could hardly keep their hands off of each other, let alone make the journey to the second floor to Derek's place. When they actually managed to, haltingly, open the door and get inside, she was against a wall and their bodies fitted beautifully against each other. Derek kissed her in a way that made her feel she had never been kissed before. Her insides felt all gooey and if the wall or Derek hadn't been there, she would have fallen to the ground. She broke the kiss. His hands were on her waist, at her jeans' button. He stopped and they looked at each other. After a pause, she said, "I have wanted you ever since I first laid eyes on you."

"Liar! You were crying over Ravi when we first met", he said jokingly.

"No! Not then! When I saw you the first time out at The Drunk Tank during the first days of college, remember?"

He squinted his eyes in remembrance and nodded, "Yeah! Raul's date, he brought me along. That's when we first met."

"That's when we first met but that's not when I saw you for the first time. It was the Saturday before that. You were there with your huge group of friends and I was kind of stalking you from across the room. We talked for about five seconds that day, I guess."

He smiled what was later going to be christened 'The-insides-to-jelly-in-five-seconds-smile' and said, "Since then, huh? That's a long time. We gotta do something about that then!"

"Oh! By all means, please do."

He kissed her again, this time with more intent. After a few minutes he said, "I love you, babe."

She froze. It was only three months since they started dating, and then with great precision, she said, "I love you too."

It was their first time together and the most memorable. They knew, maybe, that they were going to be in love ever since they met in the bar near their college, but if there were any doubts about whether they would end up together, this night removed it. They didn't tell each other this because it was too soon and they didn't want to freak the other out but both wished they would get to make this magic again and again and be a part of the other for the rest of their lives. And because God isn't cruel like that, they eventually did.


When she woke up the next morning, she was draped in sheets that smelled and felt like Derek. She opened her eyes with a smile that hadn't left her for the past three months and found herself facing an open-eyed Derek.

"Would it sound too clichéd if I say that I have been watching you sleep for almost the past fifteen minutes?"

"I guess it would", she said sleepily.

"Well then, let it." He leaned in to kiss her but she pulled away.

"Derek, I got stinky breathe in the morning."

"Who cares? So do I...Come here, you!"

"Derek!" she shrieked, laughing as he came on top of her and kissed her. Ultimately she found herself succumbing to the need that was building inside her.

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