Jason's Death and Jacob's Suicide

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Hey guys, well I'm just going to tell you now, Jacob's Dream last chapter wasn't a dream. It was true. Now their baby is orphaned and the chapter begins...

Madame Pomfrey's pov

I walked into the big room and checked on the baby. She was awake and staring up at me, so I picked her up.

"Poor soul. Your daddy, Jason died and now your other daddy, Jacob is so depressed. Let's go check on him." I said, carrying her over to Jacob's bed. He wasn't there. I put the baby back down and went to look for him. Then I saw him.

His lifeless body hanging down and he was blue. I got him down and firecalled his head of house, Severus Snape.

"I'm here Poppy. What is going on?" He asked as we walked over to his body.

"Oh my word! When did this happen?" He said.

"Some time last night." I said.

"Didn't he just get married? And didn't his husband just have a baby?" He asked another question.

"Yes. Unfortunately, his husband Jason died after giving birth to a beautiful baby girl. I guess he felt like he couldn't live without him, so he committed suicide." I said.

"May I see the child?" He asked yet another question.

"This way." I led him to the baby and picked her up and held her.

"She wasn't named, Jacob didn't know what Jason would like and wanted to wait until he woke up so they could name her together. Poor little baby." I said. Severus looked as though he might cry.

"I need to go talk to Lily about something." He said quickly and ran out of the room to the dungeon.

Severus's pov

"Lily!" I screamed.

"Sev, what in Merlin's name are you screaming for?" She asked.

"There's a baby in that was orphaned. Both of her parents died and now she has nowhere to go. We should adopt her. You know, have a family again." I said quickly.

"Sev, I think that's a great idea. Let's go tell Poppy." She said.

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