She folded up the note and tucked it in her pocket, making a mental note to never get rid of it. The green eyed girl slowly looked around the room once more. It fit her. Camila knew her too well. There was a blue tapestry hanging on the wall by the door and Lauren had a feeling the color wasn't just a coincidence.

Her eyes landed on her leather bag full of paint, which had been hung from one of the shelves. Without thinking twice, Lauren grabbed the bag and emptied its contents onto the large wooden table next to the easel.

In one hand she grabbed a tube of yellow paint. But her eyes also landed on a tube of blue. Before she even realized what she was doing, she was squeezing equal amounts of both onto a clean palette and mixing them together.

Moments later, the yellow and blue dissipated into a calming shade of green. With a paintbrush in one hand and her palette balanced on her hip, Lauren didn't think twice when she brought the brush to the white wall and got to work.

Lauren drew her bottom lip in between her teeth as her brush glided quickly against the wall. She began to hum softly, becoming lost in her own little world.

Her two favorite things in the world were Camila and art, she decided. But technically, Camila was art. Camila always seemed to work her way into every aspect of Lauren's life. And she didn't mind.

Once she was finished, she took a few steps back and admired her work. Holding her brush inbetween her teeth, Lauren used her free hand to retrieve her phone from the table and snap a picture of her creation. She immediately sent it to Camila.

Meanwhile, on the other side of town, Camila had a small child cradled in her arms. The little girl had fallen asleep in her lap during 'circle time', and according to her mother she hadn't slept a wink all night. Camila decided against waking her up, so now she sat in the back of the classroom with the sleeping girl in her arms while the other kids were out on the playground.

Just then, she felt a buzzing in her pocket. The small girl carefully freed one of her hands so she could check her phone. A wide smile immediately crossed her face when she saw the picture Lauren had sent her.

The outline of a large heart was slathered onto the plain white wall. Camila could tell Lauren had drawn it. The green eyed girl's hearts always came out slightly lopsided. She had complained about it to Camila before. In the middle of the heart, Lauren had carefully painted "KCC + LMJ" in her cursive handwriting.

Even though they were married now, little things like that still made Camila's heart flutter. She was constantly in a state of disbelief that Lauren was hers.

Lauren was in that same state of shock, at that exact same moment. She sat at the stool by her easel, taking in the room. Maybe she was overreacting, but she had always dreamed of having her own art studio as a child, and somehow Camila had just known. For her it was as if things had come full circle for them.

Her phone buzzed a few moments later and she smiled when a picture popped up on her screen and she was presented with yet another reason why she loved her wife.

[My Girl - 11:58] i love you lo

[My Girl - 11:58] so much

Attached was a picture Camila had taken with the front camera. Her hair was tousled from her beanie, which she had used as a pillow under the small girl's head, which rested on her shoulder. Camila had her lips curled in a soft smile and her big brown eyes filled with adoration.

In that moment, Lauren realized that nothing was as beautiful as being in love with someone who looks like love itself.

[Lolo - 12:01] Ethereal.

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