"Come on Trevor You haven't eaten in 4 days, You got to eat please Josie wouldn't want you to do this to yourself" She said I turn my head to look at her and sharply give her a glare she sighs tears shining in her eyes and she nods setting the plate on the table beside the chair I was on and walks out and that's when I let the tears fall again..

"Wake up Josie please.. I can't do this anymore without you..I love you Josie I need you we all need you..Please wake up Josie for all of us" I cried and then planted my face onto the mattress right beside her crying, and just a few minutes later I thought I heard a soft groan but I ignored it thinking I was imagining thinks from lack of sleep, and it wasn't until I felt something like a hand playing with my hair that I looked up and you can only imagine my shock when I stared into the pool brown eyes of the love of my life...

"Josie" I whispered shocked and she smiles the smile that I have been wanting to see for the past three weeks...


Josie's POV_ Point Of View!!

Beep....Beep...Beep... Is what woke me from complete and utter darkness and nothing but silence, Ugh how do I freaking wake up that's all I have been thinking for however long it has been since I've been trapped here.

"Wake up Josie please... I can't do this anymore without you.. I love you Josie I need you we all need you ..Please wake up Josie for all of us" a voice broke through all of the silence and not just any voice but Trevor's, He sounded so heartbroken and defeated like he was just ready to give up on life, Ugh I defiantly need to figure out how to wake up now Trevor needs me, Hmm but how do I do that??..

"Close your eyes" A voice said I jumped looking around the darkness freaked out.

"Who's there?" I asked as I shook a little tensing up expecting something to attack me.

"Close your eyes, Trust me" the voice whispered again okay I am beyond freaked out now but hey what do I have to lose I'm already floating around in darkness what can be worse.

"okay but if I get like attacked by a water balloon I'm going to come looking for you"  I released a nervous chuckle as I closed my eyes..

Suddenly there was a rush of air and I was sure I was gonna get hit by a water balloon but then suddenly I felt as if I was in control of my body again.. What??.. Okay not going to dwell on it now I need to wake up hmm...how do I do that?

Beep...Beep..Beep.. Hmm.. I'm going to take a wild guess and say that's the heart monitor, and then i heard sniffles coming from beside me like really close, Okay Josie just open your eyes Ready 1.2.3. Go Open, I tried to pry my eyes open but it was as if they were sewn shut they would not open, I release a frustrated sigh and try again but again they would not open, Okay maybe I should try something else first something easy hmm.. Fingers I'll do fingers first I exclaimed in my head ugh I really have gone insane haven't I??, I sigh and start trying to move my fingers at first it was a bit of a challenge but then I moved them I really move them so I them tried my toes, then feet and my hands and I moved all of them. Okay now back to the eyes I take a deep breath and concentrated on opening my eyes and I finally got them to crack open a tiny bit so I concentrated some more and got them half way open, I take a deep breath okay Josie you can do this only a little more to go.. I told myself as I finally got my eyes all the way opened and that's when a bright light shined in my eyes I squinted and blinked till I adjusted to the blinding light, I turn my head looking around  to see I was in a hospital go figure,  I was in a hospital bed hooked up to some machines, I went to try and sit up but I groaned in pain and fell back onto the bed when I felt a horrible pain in my ribs and stomach area, I sigh maybe I shouldn't have done that I thought to myself...
   Suddenly though I heard a sniffle come from beside me I turn my head and look in  that direction to see Trevor sitting beside the bed in a chair his face was buried into the mattress of the bed I was on, his hair looked greasy and messy I couldn't see his face so I don't know how else he looked but I could tell he hadn't been eating by the looks of things it looked like he had lost a bit of weight, I sigh lifting my hand I start to play and stroke his hair, that's when his head shoots up and my hands falls down onto the mattress, my brown eyes connect with his blue ones.   His hair was tangly, messy and greasy, his eyes were bloodshot red, puffy and swollen, purple bags were under his eyes and he had tear stained cheeks and new fresh tears rolling down his cheeks, he sat there staring at me for a good while in shock but then finally he spoke..

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