♛ Chapter 2

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Dear Diary, we have finally reached Miami and the hotel. We got here like 6 hours ago but we went straight to our rooms to rest before going out for dinner and exploring this party city. We went down to the beach which is only five minutes walk from our hotel and there were a lot of people already by 9pm. So spring break is going to get crazy! The sky was pink when we arrived btw and it was so beautiful, I love it when it happens because it feels like the sky is made of cotton candy and you just want to eat it. Anyway, all of us were pretty exhausted so we went back to the hotel around 10pm and now everyone is asleep so I decided to write a little.

The hotel is amazing also. Me and Michelle share a room with one double bed in an ordinary bedroom and there's a wall between to the living room where Michelle decided to sleep in the single bed. I'm thankful for that though. She hates to sleep in the same bed as me since sometimes I can take a lot of space.. Heh. But the boys have even a bigger room than us with one room each in the same hotel room and a big kitchen, a fucking suite. Wow is all I can say. They will probably be bringing up a lot of girls up there for sure, tell them they are rich and pretend they are going to some medical school or some rich school kids goes to I don't know. Boys.

Anyway, so tomorrow it's the first real day here and first day of spring break. Time for the drinks to pour in and dance like no one is watching until the sun goes down and keep going all night. Ugh, I can't wait for the morning to come! I think we're going to eat some breakfast and then chill by the pool and meet new people before we go down to the beach were literally everything is happening. So I should probably go to sleep now so the morning gets on faster.


"Rise and shine!" Michelle yells as a bright light appears in my eyes from the windows, so fast my head starts to feel shaky.

"Oh god, close the damn curtains!" my voice is hoarse. My arms covers my face and I turn around away from the window.

"No way you're going to fall asleep again. We gotta go meet the boys down stairs." She says as she jumps on to the bed.

"What is the time?" I ask and peek through my eyes to spot her face.

"About 8 am"

"8 am?! Do you seriously think the boys are awake right now? I'm barely awake." I almost scream but I'm too tired to even raise my voice louder. This is what it's like living with Michelle, she's is an earlybird. Still she is a great alarm clock to school, but right now it ain't fun.

"Fine.. But come on, it's spring break! And hey, who says no to hotel breakfast?" She may have a good point. Hotel breakfast is a dream breakfast. There is literally everything you can imagine like fruit, pancakes, yoghurt, egg and bacon. My mouth starts watering from the thought and it taste the bacon.

"Okey I'm getting up." I finally say and she jumps out of the bedroom with a smile. I start to stretch out my body and give out a big groan before standing up to put my long brown hair in a messy bun. A quick look in the mirror and I couldn't care less about putting on some make up right now, I do it later. The closet is already packed with my stuff since I got pretty bored last night when everyone was asleep. I grab a pair of shorts and a top and put them on. When I'm done I walk out to see Michelle sitting on the couch next to her bed waiting for me.

"Finally." She says with a grin and we walk outside the door. The hallway is long before we reach the elevator and the first floor. The first thing that caught our eyes are all the youths that's chilling by the pool eating breakfast and the music playing in the background. Me and Michelle stare at each other for a second before entering the breakfast lounge and starts picking what to eat. There are so much to choose on, so many different tables. Also they have decorated it like an hawaii theme so there's flowers everywhere on the tables, and the staff is going around with hula hula skirts. This is sort of uncomfortable, but fun in some way. On my first plate I take one bread with cheese on, two watermelons pieces and some egg and bacon. I already know what's going to be on my second plate and maybe two plates after that, loads of pancakes and fruit for sure!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2015 ⏰

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