Chapter 5

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"Dimples, Dimples you in there? Hey Tia open up!" Yelled Moses

   I had no idea who these were but I guessed they were the girls on the block. The door opened up and a frizzy haired girl dressed in Adidas came out.

   "What?" She asked

   "We need to come in." Moses demanded, "There's an alien invasion on the block, and if you don't let us in then we're gonna be dead and you guys will be soon after, hear me?"

   "Look, I don't care whatever gang shit you and your mates are up to but I don't want no part in it you get me? I actually want a life when I'm older, I don't want the 5-0 comin' and poundin' on my door coz of you guys and your shitty little petty crimes, Moses. Anyway who is that girl? And look, that one's bleeding."

   Another girl appeared next to her, she had darker skin and loomed a bit older, "Dimples," she said, "it's my flat" she motioned at us with her head and then let us in. We filed in and I noticed a few other girls sitting on the sofa.

    "Who's the newbee Moses?" Asked one

     "That's Ella," he replies

    "Yeh" pipes Dennis, "she's one of the fam now, your get me, she's new on the block."

    "Ahh is it? How'd you guys meet?" Asked dimples.

    "They mugged me..." I said awkwardly.

    "They mugged you? Now that I believe," laughed Dimples.

    "That's so typical Moses." Stated the girl who's flat it was, I later found out that was Tia. "Why is it always trouble with you anyways, muggings, robberies, people get tin' beat up." She kissed her teeth and went to sit away from him.

   "Yeh but then she fixed my leg, and we saved her from the aliens, now she's part of the fam, it's all good."

   "Yeh right, aliens," they all laughed.

   "Nah it's true," I told them, "take a look in my flat on the second floor, the door's broke right open. You guys can go see for yourself, there's a dead one in my sitting by my settee. Pest killed it" I smiled as I looked at Pest.

   "Woah, Pest, trying out the new girl are we?" One of them said as they all laughed, and though I was embarrassed I kind of laughed along with them, but I felt more awkward for Pest. He just started bragging about how he stabbed the alien straight in the neck with a knife he flick up on her kitchen.

   "Nah we're just messing wiv ya girl," said Tia, "Pest loves to play the hero, don't ya Pest," she teased,

   "Better believe it girl, I'm sick, like Chuck Norris or some shit," he fake boasted as he did a karate chop in the air. We all laughed for a bit.

   "You don't scrub up too bad for a new girl," smiled Dimples, "I mean there hasn't been any for a few years now, I was the last one."

    "Haha thanks," I felt myself going a bit red, "it's been a weird start, though I'm gonna be honest. I mean aliens attacking the block on my first week, not the usual aha" I tried to laugh it off but I freaked as anything. 

   "Not being funny yeh, but what aliens would wanna invade some council estate in south London?" Dimples questioned.

   "One that's lookin' for a fight." Stated Dennis. There was a surreal silence as people tried to take that in there own ways. The silence, however, was duly broken by one of the girls with lighter skin.

"What. The fuck. Is that?." She said pointing to the window.

"Aw shit man it's the aliens," whined Dennis.

"Someone call for help!" Screamed Tia

"I've got no credit" multiple people chimed back.

"I've only got one text left!" Cried jerome "too much madness to explain in one text!"

Then before anyone could do anything, the two aliens crashed through the window.


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