Chapter 2

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Shit, I thought. There was a group of guys standing in a line at the end of the street all staring straight at me. I then saw the guy with the tasseled hat again. 'Maybe they won't mug me coz they recognise me from the block' I hoped. The. I noticed them mask up and two guys (including the hat) got on box bikes. I decided if I cross the street main they'd leave me alone, but just as I was doing the the two bikes raced past me again, only this time really close, with the other three blocking my only other exit.

   "Fuck." I cursed under my breath. I went to see if I could go back but sure enough the two bikes were standing in the way, menacingly blocking any alternative escape root.

   "Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck!" I mumbled again. Suddenly as I turned around a tall dark boy, I guess the leader, was standing right in front of me.

   "Gimme the money, gimme the money!" He demanded. I thought if I gave him the bits of loose change in my pocket he'd think that was all I had and let me on my way.

   "Bullshit," he snapped at me, "the purse, gimme the purse, now!"

    "I don't have a purse, I swear mate that's all I got!" I pleaded.

    "Now don't fuck about wi' me." He spat as he went to reach for it inside my coat.

    "Piss off'" I said as I kicked him in the balls. He yelled in pain as I tried to make a dash for it but I got pushed to the ground but one of the others. The leader returned to his original stance from bending over in pain. He towered over me in pain as I tried to get up, only to be kicked back down. I noticed the leader pull out a switch blade and flick it up in his hand. This is it. This is when I die.

   "Nah nah nah, you're too brave, it don't suit you. I don't like it when my income starts disrespecting me you get me" he said patronisingly as he stepped closer. Suddenly bright white light appeared in the night sky and it got bigger and bigger before I realised it was falling to earth.


   It landed in the car right next to us causing the group of boys to go flying. I realised this was my time to make a runner but as I did I felt myself get pushed to the ground once more, this time by one of the boys falling on me from the crash landing. It was the boy in the hat. The sudden crash surprised me a lot I couldn't think straight as I laid on the ground. He push himself up to take his weight of me,
"Alright love?" He grinned at me. I felt my heart skip a bit but the. I came back to reality as I pushed him of me and legged it out of there.
   "Moses she's ghostin!" I heard one of them shout. I didn't give a shit. All I wanted was to get out of this place and into the block where I was safe. Well, safeish...

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