Screaming. || Chapter 19

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| Calum's pov |
We found a duct strong enough to hold us for a bit.
Jen was curled up into my chest, fast asleep.
I had my arms wrapped around her.
She was shaking in her sleep.
The only reason I was awake, was for the foot steps below us.
The dragging of metal on concrete.
The red lights still flashing.
We needed to get out of here.
In every building there's a place where the air duct goes outside.
I just need to figure out where we are, and then I can find a way out.
I start to doze off, getting used to the sounds below.
A scream.
A girls scream.
I bolt up right, but see Jen is still next to me.
She's wide eyed.
Jen leans over and removes a little bit of the ceiling to look down.
We're above a room.
The thing slams her down on a table.
Other forms, wearing scrubs?
"What should we do first?"
The voice sounded like a grumble.
They look Ashley up and down.
The bigger one that carried her in grabs her leg.
I pull Jen closer to me, covering her mouth with my hand, because I know what's going to happen.
She looks at me with her big blue eyes, trying to figure out what's going to happen.
It sounds like a million twigs just snapped.
Jen flinches.
More screaming.
Jen puts her head in my chest and doesn't look up.
"Well, looks like her leg needs amputated."
The bigger thing leaves.
The skinny one puts gloves on.
"Time to make your boo-boo get better."
A sickening smile crosses his face.
It looks at Ashley's leg.
I hold Jen closer to me as I see the bone poking out.
Blood everywhere.
Ashely was screaming as they were examining it.
"Jen, we need to get out of here, when they leave."
She nods her head.
I can feel my t-shirt getting stained with her tears.
"If you keep screaming, we'll break the other one."
They pull out a small saw and bring it close to her leg.
"This might hurt, a bit."
They're enjoying this, they want her to yell out in pain.
I move Jen off of me for a second, and pull the board back in place slowly.
She crawls back into my lap and buries her head in my neck.
The only sound is the saw cutting into skin.
Even more screaming.
Oh my it's getting intense. Thank you so much for 11k reads! - Jen :)

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