Chapter One

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What do you call a girl who wears no makeup, has no friends, and gets bullied a lot? A 'nerd'.

Well at least that's what other people say. I'd prefer 'unique.' And even though I am 'unique,' I had a friend last year. Until she moved away.

Her name was Sarah, and we had lots of things in common. She enjoyed reading books as much as I did; mostly romantic comedy.

But one day her father found out that she was struggling in school because of bulling (another thing we shared), so Sarah and her family moved back to Florida last year, before school ended.

Ever since she left things became even worse without her in school. There are more name calling, threats and even more touching.

That's right, I said 'touching'. Two weeks ago a senior sexually harassed me in front of his friends and threatened to hurt my family if I ever told a living soul. Please don't tell him that I told you.

That was the worst day of my life. And I'm going back to that living hell right now!

I brushed my hair gently, tangles by tangles and pulled it up into a ponytail. I then added some lipbom onto my lips to keep them moisturize.

My outfit was pretty simple today: a white long sliced top and a knee length cream skirt.

On my way to the door a took an apple for later. What can I say, I'm not hungry before twelve.

Before I left I noticed that my mom was still at work and my sister already went to school before me. I shrugged and remembered to take my phone before walking to school.

It was freezing cold, but not enough to snow. I hope I get a car for my birthday that's coming up soon. Gosh I wish I had one now so I could feel the warmth instead of the cold. I wrapped my arms around my chest to try and keep myself from freezing to death.

Before I knew it I was standing in front of my school and wished that it was miles away so I would have an excuse to not go to school. Don't get me wrong, I love homework and passing all my tests and quizzes, but I just don't like the people IN the school.

My hands became sweaty and my throat felt dry as I walked the hallway to get to class. Everyone seems to be staring at me pointing and snickering. There were even some whispering.

"What is she wearing" a girl I recognize from one of my class said a little louder than a whisper.

"She dresses just like she looks" her friend said making me walk a little faster. I felt like lying in bed and crying on my mother's sholder. But this isn't home, this isn't my bed. It's more of the opposite. This is a nightmare.

My back started to hurt so I decided to place some books in my locker before going to first period. If you like to carry text books in your bag you'll definitely have a sour back.

"Well, well, well. Isn't it Elaina, the big fat elf" I froze. I knew that voice from anywhere. That voice belonged to a cruel stranger who did cruel things to me.

I closed my locker and turned to face him. When I met those crazy cold blue eyes of his I felt like running for my life," W-what do you w-want Kevin" I couldn't help but stutter, and my fear for him always brings a nasty smirk to his face.

"Your homework for mrs. Davis" he takes one finger and places it on my bottom lip as he thought of something, which I definitely did not want to know.

"W-hat?" pull it together Elaina!

"Long story short," he slides his finger down my neck and pulls to a stop, just above my breast,"I had to fuck a couple of girls last night, and I didn't have enough time to do any other work than that"

I shook my head slowly, afraid if I shook it to fast it might fall off,"I can't, I'm sorry" I didn't dare to make eye contact with him and tried to walk around him. He slammed me back to the lockers, earning everyones attention. "I wasn't asking you Elaina. I was telling you," He roughly puts his hand on my sex causing me to yelp. "I'd like you to give me the homework before class, am I clear!"

"Y-yes" I cried hiding my now red face as I felt tears slipping out of my eyes. After he left the bell rang and I ran to the bathroom and cried it out. Why me out of everyone else. What didi do to deserve this crap.

Hey guys! I know, I know but I'm working on it. I'm trying to make it better. I promise I'll make it better.

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