Chapter 12

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Isaac's P.O.V.
I just pulled up at Morgan's apartment to pick her up for her birthday dinner. I walked inside the apartment building and went upstairs. I walked to her apartment #512 and knocked on her door.
I knocked a couple of times and then Morgan came to the door.
"Hi my love" I said walking in as she opened the door for me and kissed her
I walked in and to the right was their kitchen, straight ahead was their family room, to the left was Morgan's room and to the right was the guest room she had floor to ceiling windows seeing outside into the world.
I fixed my red and blue plaid button down, navy blue khaki dress shoes. Morgan came and sat on my lap and hugged me and kissed me on the lips. She had on black ripped jeans, white crop top, Herschel green army fatigue voyage coach's jacket, and black Birkenstocks.
Her hair was flat ironed.
"I missed you" she said
"Missed you more, and as much as I would love to stay here with you we have to get to dinner. Are you ready to go?" I asked
"Yes, let me grab my purse" she said
I stood up and she grabbed her black purse. We walked out the door and she turned and locked it. We walked downstairs and got into Harper's BMW.
"Is everybody there?" She asked
"I know Harper is there" I said
"Ok" she said
We drove about 15 minutes from her place to Maggiano's Little Italy. We parked and got out and walked inside the restaurant. The hostess showed us where we needed to go.
"Hi guys" we both said coming in
"Hey" everyone said
"Babe this is Harper's folks, her father Shaun and this is his wife Alicia their two kids SJ and Ellie." I said
They stood up and hugged her. Then she went around and greeted everyone as did I. Dad was sitting at the head, Olivia was in her carseat holder for the carseat then Harper to his left, then Jackson and Diamond, Shaun sat at the other end, and Ellie was being held by Shaun but at one point was also in her car seat then Alicia, SJ and we both grabbed the two seat I sat next to dad and then Morgan next to Alicia.
"How's school going Morgan?" Harper asked
"Good, starting to get into more classes with my major. So I enjoy that" she said
"What is your major?" Alicia asked
"Architecture and Business Administration" she responded
"My love is going to own her own firm one day" I said rubbing her back and giving her a kiss on her cheek
"I hope so" she said looking at the menu
We ordered our drinks and starters and Derek came back for our food orders.
"So what can I get you guys?" He asked
"We want to do the family style" Dad said
"Ok, can we do the fettuccine Alfredo and Mom's Lasagna" he said
1 1/2 hr later
Morgan's P.O.V.
We were finishing eating and Eli and Isaac went outside to get something from the car. He came back with gifts and Eli had nothing in his hand. But Isaac came and sat back down.
We continued to talk and then the doors opened with a person holding a large sheet cake.
"Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday dear Morgan. Happy Birthday to you." Everyone said and screamed after finishing singing
"Make a wish" Isaac said
I closed my eyes and wished for many blessings and for Isaac and I to be together forever.
Isaac stood up and began to talk. He stepped back from the table and put his hands in his pocket and began rocking back and forth. That's what he does when he is nervous.
"At the start of each day, I drop to my knees and thank God for you. You have changed me, my life, and warmed my heart in more ways than you can ever know. You are such a good woman and you truly deserve the best the world has to offer. I want to wish you a very Happy Birthday and many many more my love!!!" he said
I stood up and hugged him and kissed him on the cheek.
"Let's cut the cake" Diamond said
"Wait before we do that Morgan I have some gifts for you" Isaac said
"Babe I can't acceptyour gifts " I replied
"Morgan its your birthday you can and you will."I said
"Aww babe you're so sweet, and thanks your too good to me." I replied
Isaac sat the gifts on the table. I grabbed the box that was wrapped in royal blue wrapping paper and a gold bow. I grabbed this one first because royal blue is my favorite color. I opened it and my eyes opened wide. Isaac got me a MacBook Pro.
"No way baby" I said holding it up looking at it
"I know you've been paying to get your HP fixed time and time again and at the same time saving up to get a new computer." he said
"I will get a lot of use out of this" I said putting it back in the box
I opened the red gift bag and pulled out an iPad Pro with the Apple Pencil.
"Isaac no I don't need an iPad and MacBook." I said questioning the gifts
"Yes you do, the iPad is for your drawings. And the MacBook for your papers and whatever you need to store on it" I said
"If you say so" I responded
"Open your other gift " he said
It was a white box about the width if a piece of paper. I opened it and read the paper. It was two tickets to Bora Bora and two tickets to Minnesota.
"What??!!!" I said
"So there are 4 tickets here, we are going to visit my mother this summer and then we are going to Dads timeshare in Bora Bora for two weeks." he said
"Thank You thank you" I said and kissed him
57 minutes later
We were leaving the restaurant. It was a wonderful night. I got to spend time with family. I haven't heard from my mother since she left, so this took my mind off of it. But we got into the car and we drove back to my apartment.
Isaac's P.O.V.
"Did you have a good time?" I asked Morgan
"Yes love and I did not need any gifts" she said
"No you didn't necessarily need them but I wanted you to be as successful as possible being a student." I said
"But thank you and it as just good to get my mind off my mother. I haven't spoken to her since she left. She has not sent a text, email, letter, or anything." she said
"Do you have her last known number?" I asked
"Yes but every time I call it, it says number not in service" she said
"How about this love, I ask Harper's father who is a PI to do some digging if that's ok with you?" I asked
"I would love that but I cannot afford him" she said
"I got it" I said
"Isaac as much as I would love that I don't want your family thinking I am a gold digger. So I cannot accept it. You have give me probably over $5,000 dollars worth of stuff I can't take anything else. But thank you though." she said
"Babe first off they know I force this stuff on you. If you change your mind just let me know. But Morgan I need to have a serious conversation and I have some things I want to discuss with you right now" I said
"Go for it I am all ears" she replied
"This is my second year at school you know" I said
"Yes I know this is my second year too." She replied
"So I have been approached by NBA recruiters about going into the draft early" I said
"What are you going to do?" she asked me
"I want to get your opinion because you matter to me to and every decision I make is going to effect us and our relationship." I replied
"Honestly ?" She asked
"Honestly?" I said
"First whatever you do choose aside from my opinion I will support you either way. But with that being said I don't think you should enter early" she said
"Why?" I asked
"Well when we got together and you were playing basketball I knew it was a possibility and when you went to Duke I knew it was a bigger possibility. And I started looking at the stats of what percentage of NBA players finish their degree when they enter the draft early and it's only about 45%." She replied and I could hear the true concern in her voice about me
"I won't go until I finish my degree " I said
"Don't base your decision off of me and what I think" she said
"Babe I won't go because I do feel if I don't continue I won't go back and finish" I said
"It's your decision so I will respect whatever you choose. But I want you to promise me that if you go to the NBA early, you will finish your degree." she replied
"I promise" I said
I kissed her because I know she will tell me how it is no matter what I say. I respect her concern and will take it into consideration and I love her so much. We continued our conversation much of the drive.
I just pulled up at her apartment and we walked upstairs after grabbing everything out of the car. She unlocked the door. And I sat the stuff on the counter. She started kissing me passionately. We walked to the bedroom and fell on the bed continuing to kiss.
She began to unbutton my shirt and then moved down to my pants
"Morgan wait babe wait wait" I said pushing back on her
"What's wrong?" she said sitting up on the bed
"You told me you want to wait till your wedding night and I want to honor that." I said
"Babe I just don't want you to get tired of me" she said
"If I wanted sex from you Morgan I would have said that a long time ago. You are more than just sex, and I want to respect your wishes, and I also want us to be prepared for that next step." I said
"Issac your too good to me." She said
"I love you and only death could separate us" I said
"Ok, I feel better" she said
"Good" I said
"C'mon Morgan let's set up your stuff." I said
We went into the living room and turned on the TV and set up her new gadgets.

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