Chapter 6-Step 3: Be His Girlfriend

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Author's Note: Hi! Sorry I haven't been updating anymore. Been busy with other stories. Here's an update! ^-^


"Good morning, Juvia." Erza smiled sweetly at me. Woah. Just take a good look at Erza right now. What's with her dreamy face right now? It's creepy! She never had a face like this. Rather, her face was always stern and strict looking. For now, it's unusual to see her like this.

"Good morning."

"So.. I have a good news for you."

I quirked an inquisitive eyebrow at her, "Oh, really? What is it?"

"Jellal is now my boyfriend! Great, right?" I couldn't be more happier, was what I wanted to say. Sorry, I don't care about those kinds of things. It was obvious she liked Jellal for quite a long time now. For me, it's just a surprising news. Not a good one for me.

"I see. Congratulations!" I responsed, trying to be nice. It was really close to sarcasm, I'd tell you that much. The reason I was like that was because I find it hard to be cheerful today. I feel like.. something bad is gonna happen. I don't really know. It's just a feeling, so meh.

"Thanks!" she happily said. Suddenly, she turned serious. "I have a bad news for you. Well, for me it's not." Is this the reason I can't be cheerful today? Because of this bad news?

“What is it?” I inquired, my voice filled with curiosity. I’m having a bad feeling about this, I swear.

She crossed her arms. “I have already decided your next step. To tell you the truth, I have decided on it long ago. But to not make your curiosity grow, I’ll tell you what to do next.”

A big lump formed in my throat. I got very nervous for some reason. “Oh-kay. That better be something good and not hard.”

“Step 3: Be his Girlfriend. Gray’s girlfriend. Not in a way wherein you will be Gray's friend that is a girl. You'll be in a relationship with him, dear."

Her statement gave me the chills. So unexpected. Just what the hell is she thinking, anyways? I could never do that! I've never been into a relationship, not even once! My parents don't allow me to have a boyfriend.

"Woah there," I stopped her, raising my hands with wide eyes. "You just can't do that. My parents don't allow me to have a boyfriend. You know that, Erza. You were there when mom told me about that rule."

Erza fixed her glasses. "I know. But, seriously? That was waaaay back then! Back when we were kids! I couldn’t remember how old I was that time! What I know is that we were still little kids that time! Juvia, your parents had allowed you to have your boyfriend already. Remember your sweet sixteen?” Memories from my sweet sixteen came back in a flash to me. Wow. I’m impressed that she still remembered that day.

“Okay, you’re not wrong on that one.... but I don’t want a boyfriend! Any dare would do, just not that kind of dare!” I protested like a little kid who lost her chocolate.

"You will still do my dares, trust me. It's a dare, right? Besides, it's not for a very long time. It's not eternal. It's only for a short period of time." she told me, shrugging.

"No. Any dare. Any dare would do. But not those kinds of dares." I insisted, shaking my head rapidly.

She had this snide smirk on her face that I didn't like. Well, I never liked it. "Whether you like it or not, you'll have to. Or else...."

I huffed and challenged her. "Or else what?"

"Say hello to rumors," oh no. She will never show to anyone that picture.

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