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During the Silver Millennium, people are gathering in the moon kingdom to celebrate the birth of Queen Serenity's child, Princess Serenity.

"Thank you for coming here. Please enjoy the party." She said with a smile on her face, The King Uranus approached the queen to have an important conversation. The little prince uranus approach his father "Father i'm bored" said the prince "Not now ruka I'm busy talking with the Queen" He Said "Where can i find someone who wants to play with me. Everyone here are older and younger than me. And i think mom said that there is a girl who is the same age as me. -sigh- i guess she didn't make it" He said to himself as he took a walk to tbe gardens, he suddenly heard a soft tune playing a violin " Who was that?. I'd better take a look". The little prince took a peak on who was playing, just then before he knew he steped on a brach "oops" He said. Then a little girl an aquamarine hair was playing the violin, It was princess Neptune. "Who's there?" She said. The prince came out, revealing himself to the princess. "It's only me". The princess acted surprisingly that she saw a young prince. "I thought everyone was inside." she said "Well yes, but i was wondering who was playing. It was very nice though." he said proudly "You just want to disturb me, boys are always like that." "What? No. I only wanted to hear it, although it was really beautiful,princess" ^_^. The princess asked if the prince could play an instrument. "Yes... It's uhhh.... I play the piano. Let's go to the music room. Where was it again? Oh yes its on the left with a big door just like the main entrance." So the prince and the princess went to other side of the castle and went inside and the prince started playing solo as the princess watches him. And then "shall we?" she said as they played together with their instruments. It was really beautiful when they're having a duet. Just then after playing the people and the Queen saw them that they played together and it was very excellent and everyone claped their hands "Beautiful, very beautiful." Said Queen Serenity. And suddenly King Uranus rushed to the music to find his son. "Ruka! Ruka! Where are you?". He shouted "Here I am Father!" And then the king excused for the queen that they will return to their planet for some emergency. "Okay. Let me know if you're in trouble."The King Uranus and the little prince went out and return to their planet. "His name is Ruka?" Said the Princess Neptune.

(Sorry if i have some mistake here guys. Just enjoy and i think the chapter 1-6 will release next month)

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