The Hunger Games, Redux

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I just got twitter xP I feel in a hashtag mood, so beware. This part will be written more like a story.

"And we're back, with Dancing with the Gods- I mean, a bunch of demigods and Gaea battling." Rachel told the camera.

"WHOOO!" Percy yelled.

Rachel looked around. "Okay, who gave him sugar." She demanded. Butch looked at her sheepishly, shrugging.

"Right, so, first up is Reyna vs Thalia. No killing. If you win you get cookies." bribed Rachel, wanting to see a big fight. Thalia's eyes lit up at the mention of cookies. "No weapons either."

Reyna pouted, setting down her spear.

"Three, two, one, begin!"

The two demigods were launched into an arena, courtesy of the Hephaestus and Athena cabins. The audience watched on the large flat screen TV.

They were in completely flat land, with little ponds scattered on the terrain. Reyna had lunged first, seizing Thalia by her punk rock hair. Thalia screamed, elbowing Reyna and squirming away. She punched at the daughter of Bellona, who caught her punch. The Hunter of Artemis growled, launching herself at Reyna, slamming into her. Thalia shoved her to the ground, grabbing her braid. Placing her foot on top of Reyna to steady herself, she yanked out clumps of the Roman's hair. Reyna snarled and gave her the bird, struggling to get up, and achieving. In revenge, she punched the Greek girl in the nose. It started to bleed rapidly. Thalia spat in Reyna's face, doing a karate kick and landing her foot on the Roman's face. She pushed off, sending both flying and landing in a mess on the grass. Thalia and Reyna stood, glaring venomously at each other.

"And the ten minutes is up!" said Rachel, unfazed.

Annabeth's eyes widened as she looked at Piper. Sure, the blonde had been to Tartarus, but this was like The Hunger Games- REDUX.

The two fighting girls appeared in their glass rooms, Apollo kids rushing to heal them for the next round they were in. On the TV screen Thalia's name in silver and Reyna's in purple appeared.

"Right! So we left with Thalia having a small clump of hair missing, a bloody nose, and a bruised back." Rachel counted as the words appeared on the screen. Everyone applauded, that wasn't too bad. "And with Reyna, she has a sore chest, a nearly broken spine, half her braid gone and a black eye." A few people applauded.

"We will now have the lovely Clarisse La Rue say our winner." Rachel said, as Clarisse mounted the stage and grabbed the cream envelope.

"Lovely?" snorted many people, and Chris smacked them all.

"Right, the winner is, Thalia Grace." Clarisse read, chucking the paper and the envelope at Rachel's face. She wrinkled her nose.

"Sorry Reyna, you've been eliminated." Reyna disappeared. "Next up, we have Gaea against Pipa-" the two glared at Rachel. "Piper and Annabeth!"

"Three, two,"

"Wait!" interrupted Thalia. "My cookies!"

Rachel tossed the Hunter a plastic bag with cookies inside. The Hunter of Artemis cheered.

"No, Rachel!" Annabeth cried out. But it was too late. Thalia had already bitten into one.

"What?" Rachel asked impatiently, just wanting to see Pipabeth get *****slapped by Gaea already.

"If you think Percy's bad on his sugar high..." Annabeth trailed off ominously.

Rachel gulped. They were screwed.



Annabeth, Piper and Gaea were launched into an arena. This one was thick and wintery and foresty.

"I hate you, Khione." Piper muttered while shivering.

In his own glass box, back at the stadium, Leo looked to the sky dreamily at the mention of Khione. Hazel rapped on the glass sharply, glowering at him.

Gaea made thorny vines wrap around the two, binding them together and squeezing them so tight that they probably broke a few bones. Annabeth cussed. Piper called out, "Let us go. Now."

Man, she really loved charmspeak.

Gaea releculantly (Can't spell xP) released the duo, who smirked. "Gaea, lay down on the ground and be completely still. Now strangle yourself with your vines." The vines coiled around the Earth Mother's body, and her throat. She could hardly breathe.

"Release." Piper said carelessly, and Gaea choked in a breath. "Now stay like that and let us punch you."

Doing the typical Thalia, Annabeth placed her foot on Gaea's chest and tore her hair out. Then she landed a few clean punches.

"Even though the ten minutes aren't up, Gaea blacked out so that's the end." Rachel announced as the three teleported back and Apollo campers healed them.

Again, on the screen, names appeared. Annabeth's in orange, Piper's in blue, Gaea's in green. Only Annabeth and Piper's names were in the same column, Piper's stacked underneath.

"For Annabeth, she ended up with a sprained wrist and a deeply cut knee. Brilliant. And Piper has a fractured knee and a cut on the side of her arm. Gaea, you finished with twelve broken bones, fifty four cuts, a chunk of her hair gone, two black eyes, a bruised arm, and she blacked out." Rachel rambled on. "So obviously, the winner is Piper and Annabeth!" She tossed the bag of cookies to them. "Gaea, you've been eliminated. Go back to Tartarus." Rachel said as Gaea vanished.

"Next, is Leo-"

"TEAM LEO!" squeaked Laiea the nymph.

"SHADDUP." growled Narcissus.

"vs Hazel, this ought to be interesting!" Rachel finished as if the two ever interrupted. "Three, two, one-"

"Ready?" hissed Leo.

"Ready as I'll ever be." Hazel said. They shared a quick smile.


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