"Cole, things have changed around here since the fight at the party. The football players you punched are not back to school yet. The worst one is Kyle. I think he is in the hospital. The rest are at home and are expected to start trickling back to school towards the end of this week or early next week."

"I assume the kids here at school hate me for destroying the football team"

"No, it's not that bad. We did lose the game on Saturday but only by one touchdown. They have a new quarterback, Ray, who was pretty good. Actually, some new younger players got to play and they did well too. Some people think we actually may win the rest of the games in the season, but we shall see."

"So what are people saying about me?"

"Hmmm, that is kinda interesting", he said. "Nobody really knew who you or Amanda were. I was the only one that knew," he smiled. "So tons of people were chasing after me all day yesterday with questions. They could not figure out how one guy could blow away so many football players. They also thought it was odd that you would carry away a girl in your arms into the night. Some thought you were some kind of beast that grabbed a girl to drag off into the woods to have sex, but most figured out you saved her"

"Yeah," I said, "and you know what the best news of all is? She's now officially my girlfriend. My dreams came true. We get along really well and like each other. Neither one of us has ever had a girlfriend or boyfriend before but it doesn't matter. We get along fine. We are going on our first date after school."

"Hey, if she likes you well enough, maybe she'll let you kiss her", said Lenny

"Oh, I'm counting on that. Don't worry." I said, knowing that I already had that wonderful pleasure.

"I'm glad your not as shy as before", he said.

"No, I think we'll be fine"

"Well, we better get back to home room."


When I went back to home room I found myself getting all kinds of looks from the other students that never noticed me before. The girls were especially checking me out and immediately texting their friends. Some of the girls gave me very long looks hoping I would notice, but I would look down.

Following home room I went off to English class. My teacher gave me my F for Monday's spelling quiz I missed and gave me 40 new spelling words I would have to write out 100 times each to qualify for the next spelling test on Monday. We were going to start working on a short story. The other kids in the class stared at me, especially the girls. They kept looking at my arms and some were looking at my butt and my crotch. It was weird that I was worried about not having a girlfriend before, and now all these girls who couldn't care less about me seemed to be lusting after me.

When I passed from English class to Biology class there were guys I did not know saying "Hi Cole" to me in the halls. I seemed to have gotten famous. Things were even more interesting when I entered biology class. The two flirty girls at my lab pod just stared at me with their mouths open. At one point the one with the nice breasts came up and sat next to me and put her right arm on my shoulder and moved her torso into my side. She wanted to show me her notes. I could feel her right breast against my chest and it seemed like she was purposely moving her body slightly while she talked so she could stroke my chest with that breast. She was definitely going all out flirting with me. I started to get hard, but pretended nothing was happening and tried to ignore her. Eventually she gave up. These girls were like animals wanting me and wanting to be noticed, but I had my girl of my dreams and that was all that mattered to me. I could not wait till I was on the beach with her.

I still needed to find Tom. I needed to take care of him. The only time I ever saw him at school was that study hall or lunch period where he was gushing with Manda. I was eager for that period to arrive and I would search for him.

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