still here

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$#$@ A MONTH LATER#$#@

Danneelle's POV

Niall and I are still together and Victoria parents moved so she's gone THANK GOG. My birthday is coming up soon and lately Niall has been extra busy like c'on plus it's winter break what could he be doing.. I think he's cheating but Idk and I will get to the bottom of this.

Niall's POV

Danneelle's birthday is coming up and I'm planning a surprise party for her, so that's why I'm busy, I can bet she thinks I'm cheating smh girls...

Danneelle's POV

I'm trying to contact Niall but once again he's not answering my call.. Uggghhhh I swear sometimes this boy drives me crazy.. Smh boys

A/N: short chapter I know.. I didn't know what to write.... Bare with me please.... Hope you enjoy it thou

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