Chapter 3. Consequence

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"Where did you get that bump in your head?"

Hikaru jumped a foot in the air. "What bump?"

"This bump," Shintaro said, pressing his thumb on the spot where the blackish red was transforming into purple.

"AAARGGHH!!!" Hikaru stumbled back, creating a safer distance between her and her twin. Passing students scrambled away at her cry. "Are you trying to kill me?"

"Do you know what I mean now?" Shintaro stood, hands on his hips.

Hikaru returned his challenging glare. "I fell."


"On the floor."

"I'm not stupid, Hikaru."

"Well apparently, I am. So go away."

Hikaru stalked off. It was very early on a Wednesday morning. The wind was a bitter breeze, the white-on-gray hallways filling quickly with white-and-gray clad students clamoring for the heat of the classrooms. Students she passed stared at her gashed forehead. They could probably see the throbbing she felt from it, like a painfully beating heart.

"I hope you wiped the blood off," Shintaro's voice echoed in her ear.

"I don't know what you mean. Don't you touch it again!"

"I wasn't going to." Shintaro slouched beside her, their pace identical. "You should pull your hair down, though."

Hikaru lifted her eyes to catch more lingering stares of passersby, and then she did as she was told.

"That must have been a really hard floor," Shintaro muttered.

Hikaru remained silent.

"You must have fallen a few times on the same spot to get that kind of bruise."

Hikaru clenched her teeth.

"I won't tell Mama, pinky-swear on it."

"There is nothing to tell about an accident."

"There is, since it's a big fat lie."

"What part of 'go away' don't you get?"

"The part where I'm supposed to be stupid enough to believe your story."

"Well, I'm sorry the truth is an insult to your huge brain."

"Forgiven. Now what the hell caused you to pound your head against another table?"


Both Saitos turned at the voice, breaking up their rapid argument. Miss Matsuda was standing a few meters behind them. The twins bowed in greeting.

"I need you in my office, Hikaru. You didn't forget?" Miss Matsuda sauntered off in the direction of the faculty room.

Hikaru dared not look at her brother as she hurried after her teacher.


Miss Matsuda's cubicle was in shades of gray like the rest of the faculty room, flat and cold, built with partitions of painted steel. The only splash of personality was the animal print coat draped over the metal chair and the wool scarf folded above the books.

"It's a bit noisy this time of day. Everyone's cramming for their lessons," Miss Matsuda said as she beckoned Hikaru inside.

Teachers were indeed scurrying about the cluttered room. Hikaru thought she caught the eyes of the principal, fixing her a stern look. She flushed, panicking that he probably already knew about the F and was going to kick her out now.

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