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Dear Me,

          I don't exactly know when you will be reading this. What I do know is that I'll have HOPE. Hope for me. Hope for them. The ones who helped me. I know who they are. I hope they do, too. I love them and nothing can change that. I also hope I am still me. I hope my family is okay. You can probably see that I hope for a lot of things. But without HOPE, there is nothing. Im also waiting to see one of their aunts. I'm really excited to meet her. I know she will be okay. I am really prepared for the near future...I hope. But there is one thing that I know wont change. That thing is Top Secret, but you'll adventually figure it out, or atleast they will. Goodbye for now.


Letters, Letters, Letters...Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora