•Part Fourteen•

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Hey guys! Thank you SO FREAKING MUCH for 92 votes. I never thought that would be possible. Sadly, there's only six chapters left of SuperHuman. I've been updating rather fast this past week but spring break is over and I wont be able to update as fast anymore. It'll take me longer to update now becuase I want these last few chapters to be awesome and great, I want to leave you with something to remember while I take my month break. Don't worry, it's just May I'll be gone, so I can study for my Exams and my Finals, but then the begining of June I'll be back with an extra long amazing chapter one for the second book. (:

OH AND GUYS. I just want to thank @larrystylinson46 for making a trailer for my book! It is so appreciated! Guys, go read her Fanfiction LOST. It's brilliant, I swear.

Anyways, here's chapter fourteen. Enjoy(:

-Hailey xx

"War." Niall said as if it were as simple as the word 'cat.'

"Yes, Niall; war." Harry sounded like he couldn't handle this right now. He dropped my hand and walked over to the couch to sit down. I glanced at him, to find his gaze trained on Zayn's blue Supra shoes, he seemed very hypnotized by them.

Niall and Lizzy began to bicker over the subject of war; while I slipped out unnoticed. I wrote a note to Lizzy, explaining that I was just taking a walk, a little breather. I knew that I would probably get in an immense amount of trouble later on, but I just had to get away from everything.

I walked around the London streets, not really having a destination in mind. I just needed to walk around, get my mind of things.

I knew this was probably the stupidest thing I had ever done, going out alone by myself just three days after I nearly died because Abbadon tried to kill me. I realized that I was in a vulnerable state, walking around all by myself; I was giving any creep the perfect opportunity to kind-nap me, rape me, and have their way with me.

But I told the smart, rational part of my brain that was telling me all these things, to shut up.

They're planning for war Lizzy's voice repeated over and over again in my head. What type of war? I didn't understand. What could possibly be so bad about Harry being with me? It wasn't just because I was a human; that made no sense. There was something else, something else we didn't know; some reason as to why Harry and I couldn't be together, and why it meant war that we were.

I don't think the idea had crossed anyone's mind, that there was something else to it. I think they all just accepted that humans and angels couldn't be together. But I just couldn't wrap my mind around it just simply being that shallow of an excuse.

But that wasn't our only issue. We also had Abbadon looming over us. No doubt he was absolutely seething because of our last encounter; he was probably plotting on how to kidnap me this second, while I walked the streets of London at two in the morning by myself.

"Another reason you should probably head home, idiot." I muttered to myself. I looked up, checking my unfamiliar surroundings and sighed.

"Way to go Devon, get yourself lost." I spoke allowed, quickly checking to see if anyone had heard me talking to myself, thankfully no one had.

I pulled out my phone, slightly annoyed to see my phone frozen because I had missed messages. Finally, after fifteen minutes of complicated passcodes to get the phone unlocked, I finally unlocked it to see a total of eighty-five missed text messages.

30 missed messages from Harry

5 missed messages from Zayn

5 missed messages from Louis

15 missed messages from Niall

10 missed messages from Liam

20 missed messages from Liz

I wasn't at all surprised that Harry had out texted all the others, though it did amaze me that they had sent eighty messages all together, when I had only been gone an hour. But my phone was lying to me, as it said it was nearly five in the morning.

I was stunned, and a bit horrified. Where had the time went? I missed three hours of my life. I found myself sitting on a bench in front of the London Eye. It was marvelous even in the wee hours of the morning, huge and beautiful as it reflected off the water beside it. It was stunning, even with the lights turned off.

Just then, my phone began to vibrate violently. Harry's name flashed up on my lock screen. A Picture flashed up of him, smiling his beautiful cheeky smile; his dimples very evident as his emerald green eyes stared the camera down.

I debated pressing the ignore button, but I couldn't do that to Harry; not after what I had just put him though. I noticed two men talking a few feet away from the bench I was occupying, so I stood up and walked off, putting distance between myself and the two slightly older looking males.

"Hello?" I brought the phone up to my ear, sticking my unoccupied hand in my jacket pocket because the coldness in the air was making it lose feeling.

"Devon?" His usually calm seductive voice was now laced with fear and panic, and I automatically felt a million times more guilty.

"I'm alright, really." I answered, so he could restart his heart. I heard deep breaths coming through the receiver, deep controlling breaths.

"Where are you?" All lovingness he usually used in his tone when he talked to me was gone, replaced by a cold cast iron seriousness.

"I'm at the London Eye." I said as I looked up at it, taking in its height.

Harry sharply sucked in a breath.

"How did you get there, you didn't take a car!" He sounded amazed.

I shrugged, momentarily forgetting he couldn't see me. "I walked," I spoke when I remembered he wasn't actually here.

"I'm coming to get you," before I had the chance to respond back, I heard the dial tone on the other line, signaling that Harry hung up.

Confused, a little bit heart sick and angry with myself, I trotted back over and sat down roughly on the bench. My bum ached from sitting there to long originally and I silently hoped Harry was in a speedy mood.

Exhaustion over took my body as I felt my eyes flutter shut. I quickly opened them again. I was in the middle of an angel war, it was not exactly strategic to fall asleep in a public place unguarded. Bored, I watched the two men who had been there earlier. They exchanged words and laughed like it was normal to be out at five in the morning; I grinned at the thought, I was such a hypocrite.

I was just dosing off when something was brought up in their conversation that caught my attention. I stared at them shamelessly, though it was still dark. They couldn't see me, and even if they could have they didn't know I was around to look for me.

"He beat him bloody, Ed. I've never seen anything like it. I've never seen him be overtaken by a boy like that. That boy's got some fire in him, that's for sure." His voice caused goose bumps to appear on my arms, and not to long after the second guy replied.

"Greg, of course he does. If someone were trying to steal Rebecca from me only to use her as a sex slave and a baby machine, I'd be a little hard up too." This man's voice was softer, more kind. The sun was beginning to rise, and with the orange glow I could see his hair was red.

"You don't understand, Ed. It was god like. Abbadon was just about to leave with the girl, he spoke something to the boy, and they boy jus flipped. Mark had him restrained and calm, he had stopped moving. But Abbadon said something I didn't catch and then the kid had him down on the ground. Beat him bloody unrecognizable." The man called Greg stopped to spit then, which I thought was very unattractive.

Numbly, I realized that the man called Greg was talking about what had happened the other night, he was talking about Harry and I. He had been there, but I couldn't recall seeing his face. Greg seemed happy about it, excited, though the one called Ed just seemed massively disgusted.

"He's coming up with another plan, to get the girl. He's waiting for her to be alone, he says the boy won't stay with her forever. He's just bidding his time." Greg scratched his forearm.

"Well, he's a god damn fool then, because if the kid is as bad as you're saying, Abbadon doesn't stand a chance. And that boy won't ever leave her side now; not after what happened." Little did Ginger know that I was very, very alone as I listened to them have their conversation.

Not to long after that, my phone chirped. Harry's face greeted me, but it was a text.

From: Harry

I'm here, where are you?

I hastily replied back, stabbing at the touch screen on the phone unforgiveningly as I tried to regain the feeling in my fingers.

To: Harry

Third bench in front of the Eye; you see a burly Ginger who looks totally bad ass but doesn't show it and a frail blonde who is totally not bad ass but acts like he is, then you're headed in the right direction.

I didn't get a reply; so I assumed Harry was coming. I sat up on the bench, surprised that I was nearly lost feeling of everything, but I long ago stopped being cold, the shivers long ago left my body. I was just numb now.

Just ahead of the talking men I saw a curly head make its way up the side walk. I didn't know how I had felt about him coming. A little happy, a little relieved, and a little annoyed.

He accidentally bumped into the burly one. I heard him muffle his grunted apology, the one he uses when he's in a hurry to get somewhere and doesn't have time to screw around. The blonde one, the one who was at the house a few days ago, stared at the back of Harry's head as he walked away from them and towards me, a look of recognition in his eyes, though I was thankful he couldn't place it.

Despite our early bitterness to each other, Harry's lips turned up into a smile as he saw me sitting on the bench. He made his way over to my bench and sat down beside me, not uttering a word. He wrapped his unnaturally warm arm around me and kissed my forehead. He pulled back as if I had shocked him.

"Shit, you're freezing." He grabbed my small hands in between his, and I almost yelped at the heat intensity.

"You're an idiot, you know that?" He looked up at me as he rubbed his hands over mine, tying to get them warm. I think I smiled, but I didn't know; I couldn't feel my face.

"Lets get you home." He picked me up bridal style and carried me to the car. I must have dozed off at some point because we were in his black land Range Rover in a blink, as if he had teleported.

Harry slid into the drivers side and turned the car on. A song called Skinny Love blasted through his stereo and it sounded vaguely familiar to me. Harry blasted the heat, making sure it was the hottest it could get and he turned the jets on to me.

Warming up had never been so painful in my life.

I felt as if someone had lit my body on fire, I was so hot but cold to the touch. It was very uncomfortable.

"You scared everyone. Poor Niall, he was having heart failure." Harry sent a smile my way, and I smiled weakly back.

"I'm sorry," I croaked. "I just needed some air, some time to think. I should never walk because my feet have a mind of their own, they take me places I don't even know about." Harry chuckled at my comment.

"So this war," He started, glancing over at me quickly, "Is . . . It'll be bad. I know it will. It's between the Higher Ups and the fallen, it's going to be bloody, and extremely unsafe. It isn't something we can avoid." He stared glumly out the windshield as he waited for the red light to turn green. Rain drops raced each other down the windows as it began to rain.

"We caused this, all of it, didn't we?" I asked in a very quiet voice. Harry looked at me, stunned. He grabbed my hand and interlaced his fingers with mine.

"Yes, we did." He shrugged. "But there's nothing we can do about it. Either I let you go or fight, and letting you go isn't an option, so it means war."

Thinking back to my early thoughts, I spoke allowed to Harry. "Is the problem really just because I'm human and your not? Is that really the only problem? Because if you ask me that's bullshit." Harry's head jerked in my direction at the sound of me cursing.

"What do you mean?" He asked, obviously trying to hold back the giggles.

"I mean I think there's something else, something more too it. There's a reason why they don't want us together and it isn't because I'm human." I answered him. I could see him turning over the endless possibilities in his mind. I then told him about the conversation between Ed and Greg, and when I explained Greg had been at the house, Harry snapped his fingers.

"I knew It! I knew he looked familiar! He looked like he was going to piss himself when he saw me!" Harry said smugly, he seemed pleased that he scared people.

"Yes, well you can be very intimidating." I whispered as I laid my head on the car window. Harry looked over at me with a sad expression on his face.

"Do I scare you, Devon?"

"No." I automatically answered, because it was true. Harry would never scare me, because I knew no matter how tough and scary he acted, it was a façade. Deep down, Harry was just a boy who wanted to be loved. I saw right through him from the very beginning.

"I would never hurt you." He muttered. I leaned over the car seat and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"I know," I muttered resting my head on his shoulder. I was so tired, yet I couldn't bring myself to sleep. It was nearly six now, and I wondered what Harry had been doing up in the first place.

"Tell me you haven't been up all night." I spoke without looking at him. I felt him shrug slightly.

"Okay, I haven't been up all night."

"You lie." I said as I smacked his abdomen. I felt his muscles contort at the contact and I quickly pulled my hand away. I didn't want any quickies happening in the car.

"I've never had car sex," Harry announced; reading my mind. Literally.

"I wouldn't care to." I retaliated.

"Why not? With war coming, we might as well do whatever we want and have some fun before it gets here." He chuckled, and surprisingly I was laughing with him.

"Yeah, why don't we just stop at this stoplight and go at it in the back seat." I said, sarcastically as I stared out the window.

"Is that a challenge?" I could hear the smirk in his voice.

"No, we have to get home. I'm sure the others would like to know that we're okay." I stated.

"That you're okay. They know I'm fine, its you they're worried about. Especially Niall. You're going to get it when you get home."

"I thought I was going to get it from you, actually." I muttered inaudible.

"You were," He spoke quietly. "I was so mad at you, I was going to yell at you first chance I got. But once I saw you, and saw to it that you were okay, I realized most of that anger was just fear. I can't lose you Devon. I can't." His hands clenched the steering wheel tightly.

It started to rain harder as Harry drove, and not to long after we had quieted did the sky split open. It made a loud enough crack tat it should have literally split open. I jumped at the sound. I had always been afraid of thunderstorms. You never knew when the thunder was coming, nor the lighting. My dad used to count the seconds after each strike of thunder, trying to gage when it would happen again; sometimes it worked, out of pure luck but it usually never worked.

"You alright, babe?" Harry asked, concern dripping through his voice.

"I'm alright," I lied, "Thunderstorms just scare me a little bit."

"You're not fine, you're shaking." He contradicted me.

"Like I said, they scare me a bit." I tried to cover up my shaking as lighting cracked through the sky.

"We're nearly home." He muttered, placing his warm hand on my thigh. The warmness from his hand seeped through the fabric of my jeans, and my leg was growing very warm. He gently squeezed my thigh, trying to calm my shaking. It wasn't working very well.

Not to long after he said that, did we reach the apartment complex. I wasn't too excited for the glares I knew I would receive when I walked through the doors, but I knew I deserved it for walking out on them, even f I had left a note stating specifically what I was doing.

Harry turned the Range Rover off, jumped out and jogged over to my side of the car. He was instantly wet as he opened my door for me. I hopped out and He pulled me inside his coat so I wouldn't get wet. We reached the doors to the complex and Harry threw them open, careful not to smack me in the face as he did so.

"I'm wet." He said glumly, and I chuckled.

"Did I make you that way, sweet cheeks?" I used the most seductive voice I could have possibly managed. Harry looked at me; his face slowly turning red as he looked at me. Suddenly, he grabbed my arms and shoved me against the wall, he thrusted his hips relentlessly into mine, and I gasped feeling the hardness of his lower region I had already brought on.

"No," He whispered in my ear. He hadn't said anything dirty and yet I felt very, very dirty. "But you did do this," He grabbed my hand and pulled it down, my fingers brushed across him, he moaned quietly at the contact.

"Harry," I gasped in a warning tone. This could really not be happening in the hall way of this complex.

"Someone could come out," I whispered as he kissed my collar bone.

"Let them," He sounded as if he wanted them to watch.

"Harry," I shoved him off of me. "We need to go back upstairs."

He glanced at me incredulously. "You're serious? Look what you did to me Devon." His voice deep, throaty with need.

I kept my gaze locked on his eyes. If I looked down it would be over.

"Devon," Harry groaned, pushing me back into the wall. I would feel him against my thigh.

Kiss me, k-k-kiss me

Infect me with your lovein'

Fill me with your poison

Take me, t-t-take me

Wanna be a victim

Ready for abduction

Oh you're an alien

Your touch so foreign

Its supernatural


My phone began to sing and viberate against Harry's thigh and mine, having been trapped between us. He grinned at the song that was playing and I internally face palmed myself. I pushed him off of me and surprisingly, he went.

"Hello?" To my horror, I was breathless.

"What have you guys been doing that you've been gone so long? Harry left for you an hour ago. I hope you guys aren't having a quick one in the hallway." Lizzy spoke into the phone, it was as if she had been watching us.

"Oh my god. You and Harry are having sex in the hall! That's . . . I bet you're enjoying that." I could pratically hear her raising her eyebrows.

"Liz." I spoke into the phone, "Don't you think if Harry and I were having sex right now, do you honestly think I would have answered the phone?"

"Well," Lizzy seemed deep in thought. "Actually, you do seem kind of out of breath so you could have just stopped and--"

"Oh my god Liz, we weren't having sex." I looked at Harry as I said this and he smiled his cheeky little smile. He took the phone out of my hand and started talking to Lizzy before I could even begin to protest.

"Hey Liz, yes we were about to have sex but you're call rudely interrupted it." he grinned at me the whole time and I slapped his arm. I heard the muffling sounds of Lizzy replying back to him. He shrugged, but then he remembered that Lizzy couldn't see him.

"We'll be up in a minute. Good bye, Liz." Harry said and hung up. He put his hands on my hips and jerked me towards him. He leaned down and began kissing my collar bone again, and I jumped when I felt is fingers brush against my bum as he slid my phone into my pocket. He grabbed my hand and pulled me the rest of the way up stairs. He quickly fished the keys out of his pocket and unlocked the door.

To say I was attacked would have been an understatement.

I felt eight arms encircle me in a tight hug, nearly squeezing the breath out of me.

"Can't--breathe!" I gasped and they all pulled away, mumbling their apologies; I noticed that Zayn hadn't gotten up, he kept his distance as he sat on the couch with his phone close to his face.

"What in the actual fuck were you thinking?" Niall scolded me. I saw in his eyes that he wasn't genuinely angry, but he was very scared.

I walked over to him and encircled him in a hug. I squeezed tightly, but for a moment he didn't respond. Finally, when I was starting to worry he wrapped his arms around me and put his face into my neck. I held unto him as if he were a life preserver, and I was drowning in the sea.

"I'm sorry," I muttered to him, my head rested on his shoulder. "I didn't mean to scare you, I just needed some time to be alone, to process everything that's been happening." He didn't speak, he just nodded. I pulled away from Niall, to find Zayn staring at me openly. As our eyes locked he looked away quickly, as if he were a child caught sneaking something it wasn't allowed to have.

"So," I said sitting down beside Louis, propping my feet into Harry's lap. "Someone care to explain to me this war?"


Three bags of Sour Patch kids, four bags of popcorn and three two liters of Pepsi later, I had everything explained to me.

The fight with Abbadon a few days ago had set everything in motion. The death of so many demons that Lizzy and the boys had taken down had alerted Zophiel. Zophiel raced back to the pearly white gates of heaven and told the Higher Ups.

He was feeling a little generous that day, so he told them about Harry and I as well.

A human and an angel together was bad news, for whatever the reason. And Harry bluntly disobeying their words, sent them over the edge. Zophiel had also taken the liberty of telling that I knew about everthing, which was all very very bad.

Lizzy finally explained how she had fallen to the boys, though I noticed she had left out the part where she had killed the angel that killed her sister.

She explained that her sister had been killed because she knew what Lizzy was, during her explanation she began to cry though Liam was there in a heartbeat, quietly wiping her tears away and murmuring comforting things to her.

After she explained what had happened, I told the boys about the conversation I had overheard between Greg and Ed. Though I left out Ed's comment about the sex slave and the baby making machine. I hadn't really processed that myself; I didn't have much faith in them to process it either.

"He was here?" Niall asked.

"He would have had to have been Niall, he knew everything that had happened." Harry explained.

"I don't remember seeing someone that fit his description." Louis stated, looking at Zayn but Zayn stayed silent.

"Well," I interrupted whatever private conversation Niall and Harry were having. They both turned to look at me. "I don't' remember seeing him either, but he must have been here, He knew way too much." I stated the obvious.

"It's real fucking fantastic," Harry muttered. "On one side, I have a greater demon trying to steal my girlfriend, and on the other side I have higher angels who are way stronger than I could ever dream to be trying to take her from me as well."

I looked at Lizzy, We shared a look, and everyone noticed.

"Why are you too looking at each other like that?" Liam asked as he discreetly took Liz's hand. No one else noticed, but I did. Liz looked at me looking at their hands and she blushed fifty shades of red.

"Uh, because--"I started

"Because I killed the higher up that killed my sister." Liz interrupted me and I heard the room go quiet. Everyone looked at her with a new found sense of pride,

And terror.

I didn't blame them, if she cold kill a higher up, just imagine the damage she could inflict upon them.

"I don't understand, how did you do it?" Harry asked, the amazement on his face evident.

"I just . . . Saw it happen in my head and BAM he combusted. Like, fiery flames." She answered, not looking at anyone.

"Do you know how powerful you are, Liz?" Liam asked her, and she just shook her head.

"You could protect Devon if it turns out that I can't--" Harry began.

"Don't you dare say shit like that, Styles." Liz growled. "You will be here to protect her yourself, you'll have awesome sex with her and you'll have babies and she'll grow old and die and you'll find her again and that's how it's going to because I will be damned before I let someone else die. I refuse." Liz's voice broke, and Liam held her. I could quietly hear her sniffles, but I chose to ignore her.

"Uh, Harry, Devon and sex in the same sentence makes me feel uncomfortable." Niall spoke, breaking the ice, Liz chucked.

"If that makes you uncomfortable Niall then you should hear what they were doing in the hall way--"

"Shut up!" Harry and I elled simultaneously. Liz put her hands up in surrender.

"Alright, no need to get mean." Liz said innocently, and we all chuckled.


We all sat around the room, silence had settled over us as we watched a movie. I sat in Harry's lap on the couch, his arms wrapped protectively around my waist, Liz and Liam were cuddled up on the other side of our couch while Zayn, Niall and Louis rested on the floor in front of me. Suddenly, Harry twisted me around so my legs wrapped around his back. He pulled my face to his so our foreheads rested against each others.

"I love you, do you know that?" His hand snook up my shirt, lightly tracing my scar he had talked about earlier.

"I know, I love you too." I smiled at him, and he smiled at me.

"This war is going to be horrible." Zayn spoke, breaking the silence. looking up at everyone but me. I tried not to take offense to it.

Lizzy looked at me with an emotion in her eyes I couldn't label. " There was something I left out, earlier."

She looked guilty as she announced it.

"What did you leave out?" Louis asked her.

She looked down at the floor for a few minutes before she started to speak.

"Zophiel came down to explain everything to us. It went down in a fight, but he got away. He gave us a message, from the highest of the archangels." I looked up at Harry and surprisingly, he was very calm. Though I however, was not.

"What was the message?" I asked quietly, though they all heard me.

"It was for Harry," She started. "He said that they would kill us all and take Devon for their own."

"That's the whole reason for this war," Zayn interjected. "They want Devon."

His words hit me like an ice bucket of cold water. I felt the warmness completely leave my body, and I felt myself begin to tremble. It was getting harder and harder as I thought more on it. They wanted me, they wanted to take way Lizzy and Harry and everyone else. They wanted to kill them all, and take me away.

"What's wrong with her?" Zayn asked, though he sounded as if he was underwater. I couldn't hear them correctly.

"Panic attack," Harry answered, lifting my body off the ground.

"Let me try something," I heard Lizzy speak, and I felt someone grab my head, making it stand still so I could focus on grey blue eyes.

"You're okay." Lizzy spoke sternly to me, staring into my eyes. "You are fine, you aren't scared. You are calm." I felt her words bring a calm over me as my body began to shake. Suddenly, I couldn't feel scared anymore if I had wanted.

"That's it," Harry muttered to me as I stopped shaking.

I was alright then, unbelievably. I could still feel the fear eating me alive inside, but I couldn't show it.

"What the hell?" I looked at Lizzy and to my surprise, she smiled.

"It's a gift." She smiled, "Nice battle scar." She motioned to my bare stomach. My shirt had somehow rode up.

I glanced down at my stomach to notice a butterfly shaped scar, and I remembered Harry telling me about it. It was silver, barely noticeable against my bare skin. It was about the size of a quarter, and it was very evident that it was a butterfly.

"Where did it come from?" I asked as I traced my fingers over it, just as Harry had.

The whole room was quiet for a few seconds. When I looked up from the scar I found everyone staring at Zayn, and Zayn was looking at me. Our eyes locked, and he didn't look away this time. There was something familiar about his beautiful eyes, I felt an attachment to them. It was as if I had seen them before, in some other time.

"It was there after I healed you," Zayn spoke aloud and I stared at him.

"I didn't know you could heal, Zayn." I responded to him. His eyes narrowed as his eyes bored into mine.

"There's a lot you don't know about me, Devon." He said bitterly. His eyes held fear, anger, contempt, and later, when I would look back on the conversation would I notice the little bit of longing they held. Small, and very quiet compared to the anger and fear, but it was there.

Harry's fingers began lazily tracing the scar, and it was very soothing to me, his warm fingers on my body. A few times I would glance over and Zayn to find him staring a me, the same emotions filling his eyes. I didn't call him out on it, I didn't ask him why he felt familiar, I didn't ask him why he looked at me the way he did because I simply did not want the answer.


Harry was talking in his sleep.

Not the mumbling either, the actual loud talking. For a few seconds I thought he was awake as he struggled around under the covers, nearly kicking me out of the bed.

"Devon, please don't leave me!" He pleaded as he twisted his body around the comforter we were under.

"Harry, I'm not leaving, I'm right here." I tapped his shoulder but he didn't respond and then I realized he was asleep.

"Don't touch her;" He muttered as he threw his head into the pillow.

"Don't take her away from me please! Please I'll do anything for her!" He shouted. I turned his body around so he would face me.

"Harry!" I shook him until his eyes flew open. He looked a me surprised, but then smiled at the fact that I was sitting on his lap, no doubt.

"Well, this is a great way to wake up." He smiled, but he frowned when I didn't smile back.

"What's wrong?" He asked, his hand resting on my cheek as he stared into my eyes.

"You were shouting in your sleep. Asking someone not to take me away from you." His eyes filled with worry as his eye brows scrunched together. I slowly stuck my thumb out, smoothing them out. I vaguely remembered a time when I had wanted to do that but I hadn't, because he was a stranger to me.

"I was having a nightmare, nothing to worry about." He leaned up on his elbows and kissed me. His tongue traced my bottom lip before he pulled away.

"Babe, I have to pee." He smiled at my randomness.

"Well, go on then. I'll be here when you come back."

I climbed off of him and grabbed a pair of his sweat pants off the floor, pulling them up and tightning them securely so they would stay p around my waist. I turned around when I reached the door to tell Harry that I would be right back, but he was already asleep.

I quietly closed the door to his room and turned to walk to the bathroom, but I ran into a rock solid body and I fell to the ground. I yelped quietly as a hand reached down to my level. A very tan, manly hand.

"I'm sorry knocking you over," Zayn said as he pulled me up. Before I even had a chance to ask him what was wrong he turned to walk away.

"Zayn, wait!" I called out to him. I decided to ask him why he had been acting weird.

"What is it?" He stopped but he didn't turn around.

"What's wrong? You've been acting funny." He visably stiffened at my comment, but he didn't trn around.

"I'm fine," He muttered. He started to walk away put I grabbed his arm, forcing him to turn around and look at me. Surprise filled his eyes as he faced me again.

"I know you're not." I said to him, and his eyes softened.

"I'm okay, Devon really. Go back to sleep." Zayn ruffled my hair slightly and turned around, heading off to the living room. He stopped suddenly, and turned around to look at me.

"You're right. There s something wrong with me, but it's not your burden to bear. Not anymore." And with that, he exited the room, leaving me breathless at his sudden confession, and confused by what his confession actually was.

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