I start typing the website. I already knew that I was going to pick Germany as my country. Hopefully I will talk to someone who loves Tokio Hotel as much as I do.


"Hallo?" The person writes

"hi, English?"


"Ok cool. What is your name?"

"Ebony. What is yours?"


"You have a pretty name."

"Thank you. So do you."

"thank you."

"Do you know/listen to Tokio Hotel?" I ask


"uh, JA!! They are my favorite band!"

"They are my favorite too! But none of my friends really care about them. I have no one to talk about them with."

"you have me now."

"Since you live in Germany, have you seen them, like on the streets or in concert before?"

"Sadly, no. Every time I wanted to go to there concert, the tickets were always sold out. I have heard where they are but, I have always been to shy to go there and see them. But there are always bad rumors going around about them. I don't want to get in there personal life, i'm not the type of person to get in a celebrities personal life, like the paparazzi do."

"I know that we have only been talking for a few minutes, but I think you are a really cool person!"

"aw, thank you. You seem really cool too."

"Yes! But I can also be really shy like Gustav."

"OMG me to!" She writes.


"Have you seen Tokio Hotel before? I know they haven't been to America yet, but have you traveled to Europe and seen them?"

"No, I haven't. I'm waiting for them to come to America."

"I think getting a ticket of their concert would be better there since they aren't really popular there, or are they?"

"I agree with you on that. No, they are not really popular here. I can't find anything Tokio Hotel here."

"How did you discover them?"

"I was on Youtube, listening to music, and on the sidebar I saw "Monsoon-Tokio Hotel" so I clicked on it and instantly fell in love with the song. After that, I started Google searches of them and everything."

"wow cool."

"did you find them by watching tv?"

"yes, they were on every channel back when there song "Durch den Monsun" became a big hit."

The bell rang.

"Oh crap, I have to go to my next class because i'm in school."

"oh man, I had so much fun talking with you."

"Here is my email. I would really love to talk with you when I get home."

"okay cool."

I wrote her my email address.

"Ok, I will email you later. Bye Jackie nice talking with you have a good day."

"nice talking with you to Ebony. Bye, talk with you later."

I logged off and shut down the computer.

I grabbed my bag and ran to my next class. Lucky, it was right down the hall.



The rest of my day was boring, but pretty good. It felt good talking with my friends again, and getting the chance to write with Ebony. I couldn't wait to get home so I could write with her again.


I finally got home and I ran upstairs. I threw my backpack on the floor next to my bed, I grabbed my laptop and lay-ed on my bed. I opened the screen and loaded my email. I had a message. It was from Ebony. I wrote her back.


We stayed up writing for hours. We shared pictures of ourselves so I know how she looks and she knows how I look. It wasn't that late here in America, but in Germany it was very late.

"Hey Jackie I have to go now. It's very late."

"ok, talk with you later. good night."

"good night. Oh Jackie, I have a surprise for you in the next few days."

"what is it?"

"I can't say yet. But you will be very happy. Bye."

"Bye, Ebony."

I closed my laptop and pushed it aside. I grabbed my backpack and did my homework.


I went down stairs to eat dinner. I told my parents about my day and they were happy for me. They were also worried about me talking to someone over the Internet. I told them to trust me, but you know parents....


I went back upstairs and got ready for bed. I listened to my music and wrote until I fell asleep. I constantly thought about Ebony. I wrote a story about how we would meet and what we would do. Even though I only knew her for barely a day, I consider her like my best friend. I hope I do get the chance to meet her.

A pain in our world. [Kaulitz twins fan fiction]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ