GOM : taking home the wrong kid

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"Ghostie, who are you."
"Child-kun don't mention this"
*uses misdirection to get the right child*
When leaving "Momma, I saw a ghostie." sucking thumb
*in the park that day there were reports of two ghosts one adult, and a child with a milkshake*
"Wahhh, I have the wrong child."
"Childicchi, where is my babycchi ."
* competent childicchi leads him to his parents.* "Honey, look it's Kise Ryouta, can I get a picture with you, Sure . " "Momma he's looking for his babycchi, can we help."
"Of course we can help Kise Ryouta!"
"Babycchi, where are ?" * Seeing lots of photographers* "what's this ssu, did i miss a photo shoot?" *seeing his kid* "Babycchi!" * lots of T-T and hugging* "Stupid papa, you forgot that I had a photo shoot after we went to the park."
"Babycchi, don't be mean." --later more tears of pain brought to you by calling Kasamatsu
"Child, Oha Asa says this is your lucky item. Bye. "
"Wait Shin-chan you can't just do that its a lost child."
"Shut up Takao."
" my child should be fine he has his lucky item."
"Child-chin, do you want some mauibo?"
-child gets hyper from sugar-
Murisakibara's child has proceeded to steal an ice cream vendor's Cart
Everybody mistaking the five year for a 12 year old delinquent.
Him and Nebuya's kid get mixed up. When the kids meet they bond over their tanned skin. The two children become the boobs and food duo.
Butler-sama find my child and take this to wherever peasants go.
-Akashi child running around with scissors frightening every parent in the park.

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Jul 12, 2016 ⏰

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