Family (Murisakibara Atsushi) Part 2

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"Momma, what should I do?"
"Sit here on the chair"
Sitting your son on the chair you let him mix the icing.
With his hands he was struggling to grip the whisk. You went over to help him.
"Momma, try some."
(S/n) brought the whisk to your face.
Having trouble holding up the whisk, it hit your face.
Turning around you saw Atsushi.
"(Y/n)-chin, cute."
"What were you doing Atsushi?"
Murisakibara walked up and pecked you on the lips. You felt something brush your nose. "Atsushi, what---?"
He held the frosting from your face.
He licked it.
Blushing you turned. "(Y/n)-chin, you looked so cute together."
Grabbing your son, you continued making the cake.
Looking up you saw Atsushi with a camera, "Fine, I forgive you now show me those pictures."
Looking through the pictures together you saw, the first picture was from before you got home. (S/n) had the cake all over his face with a gigantic smile. the next was a little blurry, Atsushi was also eating the cake but didn't notice the picture. "Who took this?"
"Momma I did, lwooked fun and Daddy was getting me swo I decided to get him."
"Good job sweetie," kissing him on the cheek.
The next was when you went to clean up (S/n), you were bent over the tub with a smile while he was playing with a rubber duck.
"Thanks Atsushi." Kissing him on the cheek.
"But there's more." Showing you one where your son was struggling to stir the icing. The next showed you helping him stir the icing. "These next ones are my favorites." One was your son lifting the whisk to your face, the next showed the whisk hitting your face. your son had a perplexed look on his face and you were laughing.
"Okay Atsushi, but we have to show Momoi-chan she will love these.

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